53 Meanings
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I Could Die for You Lyrics

Something inside the cards
I know is right
Don't want to live
Somebody elses life
This is what I want to be
And this is what I give to you
Because I get it free
She smiles while I do my time

I could die for you
Oh this life I choose

I'm here to be your only go-between
To tell you of the sights
These eyes have seen
What I really want to do is
Turn it into motion
Beauty that I can't abuse
You know that I'd use my senses to
You can see that
It's only everywhere
I'd take it all and then
I'd find a way to share

Come along and go
Along with me
Wander with me yo
It's all for free

I could die for you
Whatchu wanna do
Oh this life I choose

Come again and tell me
Where you want to go
What it means for me
To be with you alone
Close the door and
No one has to know
How we are

Come along and go
Along with me
Wander with me yo
It's all for free

I could die for you
Whatchu want to do
Oh this life I choose
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Submitted by
on_a_plain_11 On Jul 07, 2002
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53 Meanings

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Cover art for I Could Die for You lyrics by Red Hot Chili Peppers

This is a love song to his at-the-time girlfriend Yohanna, who he called Yo. It's about how much he loved her. So much that he could die for her.

"Wander with me Yo"

"I could die for you Oh this life I choose"

Cover art for I Could Die for You lyrics by Red Hot Chili Peppers

well its definatly about love. and a relationship. Alls you gotta do is look at the title. lol. i love this osng and how its an actual love song. most of the chilis love songs are about sex. lol. its nice how this is diffrent hes saying that anthony is in love very deeply, and theres more to life than drugs and sex. there is love and its the best feeling in the world. and so, metiphorically, he could die for the feeling of love itselve. :-)))

Cover art for I Could Die for You lyrics by Red Hot Chili Peppers

I love this song.. the lyrics i cant relate to at all... but this song.. is just.. great.. i love the melody in it.. and it just.. flows... their new cd is just amazing, i happy i bought it with the last of my money. If you dont own it yet.. go get it.. it's deinitly worth it. =o)

Cover art for I Could Die for You lyrics by Red Hot Chili Peppers

i suppose this song relates to fleas daughter clara (maybe to his other children as well- if there are any others...) if you read just a little bit of "fleamail" (what you should do) you will know that his children are of very very big importance for him. i remember that he once wrote: "you owe them everything they owe you nothing" (good quote by the way). and to pay off this "debts" he "takes it all and then finds a way to share" it. he´s sharing his experiences with her ("tell you of the sights These eyes have seen"). he´s not just teling her, he tries to "put them into motion" to show her what it meant and what it really was like. this way he takes her along with him (like he often takes her on tour with him) to show her "everything", which is "for free". moreover the description of how to live a life in the first verse matches fleas attitude of not to give a shit about what other want you to be or think of you (what you also should do g). a thing that he spoke of beeing important to teach a daughter/son.

i think this song could also be understood as description of a good friendship or maybe even a love relationship, because the chorus and the last verse speak of a strong love for someone. of course the aspects of giving and/or showing the world to someone do not really match this interpretation...

anyway for me this is also a very nice song to think of a girl (or boy respectivly) that you would die for, wander with and whatever...

Cover art for I Could Die for You lyrics by Red Hot Chili Peppers

i think that talks bout love relationship "To be with you alone Close the door and No one has to know How we are "

"I'd find a way to share "

"Come along and go Along with me " "I could die for you Oh this life I choose"

Cover art for I Could Die for You lyrics by Red Hot Chili Peppers

In my opinion, this is the most beautiful song on By The Way. Not necessarily the best, I'm not sure if I think that yet, but it is the most beautiful.

Cover art for I Could Die for You lyrics by Red Hot Chili Peppers

When I first heard this song I was blown away by just how beautiful it is. Anthony still doesn't have the greatest voice, but lyrically he's come along way baby.

Cover art for I Could Die for You lyrics by Red Hot Chili Peppers

hey, i love anthony's voice! (but i guess it's all a matter of opinion).

this song isn't my favorite off the cd, but i love the line "close the door and no one has to know how we are". isn't that just beautiful?? i feel like it's a powerful statement of love coming from him... he touches the surface on this intimacy that is completely personal to him--something that no one else can share or be part of. to me, it's a sincere and thought provoking statement.

Cover art for I Could Die for You lyrics by Red Hot Chili Peppers

I really don't understand why people don't like his voice, i love it but each to there own i suppose! I have to agree with EfenStef I love that line (close the door and no1 has to know how we are) it is beautiful, the whole song is beatuiful but that line stands out.

Cover art for I Could Die for You lyrics by Red Hot Chili Peppers

yeah! anothony's voice kix! i also think this song is about clara, middlefinger basically spoke my thoughts!