14 Meanings
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On The Roof Again Lyrics

In the throws of young love Leroy
Didn't think to think and in the blink of an eye
Tied the knot not knowing how to not know
He was the prodigal son this girl had brought him home
He moved out of his step dad's apartment
He moved in with this cute Guatemalan
Things were copasetic 'til she caught him
Things were cool and collected 'til she found him erected with another

Shit went bad he's on the roof again
She flipped, he flipped the bird
And then he went to the roof where his threats ring loud and clear
Gonna jump gonna jump gonna die this year

Got screwed by the horse that he rode in on
Riding high on his whims had only gotten him down
He moved back to his step dad's apartment
Where he put himself back together 'til

She came back he's on the roof again
She flipped, he flipped the bird
And then he went to the roof where his threats ring loud and clear
Gonna jump gonna jump gonna die this year

Your heinous highness broke her hymen hey man try to quit your crying
I know she broke your heart but try to come try to come down

Shit went bad he's on the roof again
She flipped, he flipped the bird
And then he went to the roof where his threats ring loud and clear
Gonna jump gonna jump gonna die this year
14 Meanings
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i think i took this a little differently... going to the roof and screaming "i am going to jump" doesn't sound to me like an attempt to commit suicide: it sounds like me like he is trying to guilt her into forgiving him.

the narrator seems to be a friend who is trying to convince him to come down and handle this in a rational way. he is aware his friend is likely not suicidal, but he is not going to call him out on it because his friend needs his support right now.

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i love this song! its about being in love with someone but them being totally wrong for you. and just about letting go but you have this certain tie with them that you just can't get away from. also the line - tied the knot not knowing how to not know - is freakin amazing. i love it!

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this song has so much energy, i thought it was just about the complete craziness of relationships, the good, bad, cheating, making up etc.

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awesome song, i love it. eve6 are ace :)

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"Your heinous highness broke her hymen hey man try to quit your crying"

One of the coolest sequence of words I've ever heard.

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"Tied the knot not knowing how to not know."

Right up there with the "heinous highness" line in terms of amazing word sequences.

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I think in the first chorus, it says "fear went bad...". I love that they use the word "copasetic" in the lyrics.

This is an amazing song. I love how many meanings Eve 6 is able to capture with just a single song. This song is primarily about love in conflict and about the guilt one suffers after betraying another's trust, but it's so much more than that.

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I think it's about a young guy who got married on a whim, but made a mistake by cheating on his new wife ("things were cool and collected till she found him erected with another") and when she broke up with him, he realized just how much he missed her and was attemptin suicide ("and then he went to the roof where his threats ring loud and clear - gonna jump, gonna jump, gonna die this year..."). But when they got back together again he just got screwed around by her, and it's his mate basically saying to him "hey wake up to yourself, yeah you stuffed up first time but you made up for it, and now she's screwing aronud with you, get on top of your life!"

i agree up to the point about her screwing up with him next. She kicks him out, he gets his act together, they get back together, then it just goes sour again, more fighting, this time he's crying and yet again on the roof again. I Love This Song, Its So Full Of Energy! <333333

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Your heinous highness broke her hymen hey man try to quit your crying

def the greatest line...Eve 6 has the uncanny ability to use words and evoke sooo many feelings...

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A hypothetical scenario for a friend of the band who got married young. Like much of Horrorscope, this dwells in the surreal and a fantasy-world, not real experiences. The lyrics were actually rushed and written in the eleventh hour, with surprisingly good results. Also the last song played at their last concert, ever.

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