Same Ol' Road Lyrics
Down that same old road again
Sympathy unfolds
The shell that holds
All the beauty within
Down that same old road again
Empathy controls
The wind that blows
And tickles our skin
A stimulant
We must push on
We must push on
Though we bleed
We must push on
We must push on
In a modest neighborhood
In a modest town
Where honest people dwell
Making the cleanest energy
For the greenest plants to grow
Richest soil that is drenched
With the freshest rain
Then you should sit in your backyard
Watch clouds peak over the tallest mountain tops
Cuz they unveil honest opinions
About the stars
We must push on
Recent it seems
We must push on
We must push on
Though we bleed
We must push on
We must push on
In a modest neighborhood......

I can't believe this has been around soooo long and only a few here have seemed to have come close to the real heart of this song. I too signed up just to comment on this one.
"Sarcastic feeling" only begins to explain the meaning here. It was quite obvious to me first listen that this song is about a false dream. The people of this country are conditioned for the most part to conform and work hard so they can eventually grow out of their modest neighborhood and move into a new modest neighborhood and raise their own family there. They are thus perpetuating a cycle which feeds the machine and doesn't necessarily serve any meaning or purpose other than falling under the power of others and forgetting their own path in life. We see this happening again and again to people all around us, going down that "Same 'Ol Road Again", many of them not even realizing the conformity and brainwashing they're being subject to.
This song confronts the reality and blandness that is the majority of america (or at least middle class america). You already know everything about this path, why are you so eager to take it?

This makes me believe it's about someone who is having a hard time making a living, and just making it through each day. The person gets sympathy from others and they open their heart up to them and show what their true self is.
From line "All you need is a modest house" to "About the stars " it's all about what you need to live to be overall happy. The verse is just describing a simple, perfect-enough area to live and grow in.

You guys are all wrong. If any of you guys took the time to read the CD sleeve it's obviously about someone dying. "'Same Ol' Road' is dedicated in loving memory to Carol Stenstadz". Kind of makes sense cause he is singing about sympathy, empathy and moving on...

hmm isnt it "Sympathy unfolds the shell..." and "Empathy controls the wind..." ?

Instead of "will we regret the hope", I believe that it's
a memory/a regret/a hope
the second time is
a memory/a regret/a hope/a stimulant

A firend sent me this song a couple days ago, and it hit hard, as I've been going through some tough times with the death of someone I was very close to, and the chorus "though we bleed, we must push on, we must push on" really hit home for me.

well, i've heard the song, and seen the music video. And based on both of those. I feel that this song is really just a new age rendition of Robert Frost's "Road Less Traveled", or whatever it is. It's basically talking about chosing something that might be a little bit more risky and different. All of dredg's music is talking about the arts, just to let you know

i heard this band when i went to their show with dredg, when i heard this song i began to mosh at their set, this song is fucking awesome. guys keep up the good work...

No its called 'Same Ol' Road', i got the cd :P... DAMN DMAN DAMN dredg owns so much ;)

Hnnnm THECObra, if i may expand your comment alittle... Its not about what knowing what a good life would be, its about striving to ATTIAIN it. They speak of the cleanest energy and all these other nature things. this song might have an enviornmental message in it, if you look at it right.