12 Meanings
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i need the kind of girl that knows a girl that
likes to wear my clothes somone who always
buys me coke someone who laughs at all my
jokes that's the girl that i want to see fall in love
with me that's the girl that i long to know oh
how i love her so i'm looking for a girl who
writes me songs and talks to Jesus all day long
and the way she does her hair no one else
can compare i'll probably meet her at a show
when i look at her i'll know that she's the
perfect one for me and with her i will always
be the one for me
12 Meanings
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this is a freakin cool song... so old school... I think the songs from Pokinatcha are their best. This one is soo freakin cute... I am that girl (I bet you didn't know that).

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I need a guy like Mike herrera!

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out of the 15 mxpx cd's that i have, this is prolly my favorite song. it jsts kicks ass. i had a girl like that, and she left me

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Why can't i find a girlfriend that listens to mxpx?

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this song owns and so does the video....

i need the kind of boy that knows a boy that likes to wear rad clothes someone who always buys me coke someone who laughs at all my jokes that's the boy that i want to see fall in love with me that's the boy that i long to know oh how i love him so i'm looking for a boy who writes me songs and talks to Jesus all day long and the way he spikes his hair no one else can compare i'll probably meet him at a show when i look at him i'll know that he's the perfect one for me and with him i will always be the one for me

hmm okay well yep i have no clue what to write now so um later on! -cortney!

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THIS IS MY WANT AD FOR MIKE HERRERA :((!!!!!!! (oh...and this song is kick ass :D ))

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ahhh im all those things!!!! hahaha:( i want a guy who wants that...hah....

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this song is awesome......it's quite obviously about a guy looking 4 a grl w/ these qualities.......it's like my fav. MxPx song.......bye the way..i AM a girl who listens to MxPx

me 2. except i have a bf. and he listens 2 very dirty songs...but sumtimes we just have 2 overlook these things...anway!! yes the meaning of this song is very obvious...and hey I gave my bf a coke 2day...except i had like 5 free ones...but yeah.

i would love to have a guy who likes me for ME....well....oh well......toodles

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This is the ONLY mxpx song i've ever heard... im a loser... lol

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The live versions better, "me-me-me-me-me-me one for me-me-me... yeh! yeh!" thas bout it, chee-ya!

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