6 Meanings
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Blood Tears Lyrics

Welcome to my realm
We are both condemned to live
It's a dark fate
(I can hear your calls
I can hear your calls)
I see it still burns
Each night I cry in pain
Though the end appears my friend
And blood tears I cry
You've searched and you've found
Cut off your old friends hand
My mind's
In frozen dreams
The rotten flesh
Of bitter lies
Welcome to where time stands still
Noone leaves and noone ever will
Can't hold it
It burns
Each night I cry in pain
And blood tears I cry
Endless grief remained inside
And blood tears I cry
Endless grief remained inside
It seems so clearly
Bent the bow
Cause life in me is gone
And a cruel wind's blowing cold
And a cruel wind's blowing cold
In blame
And life it shall wane
Each night I cry in pain
And blood tears I cry
Endless grief remained inside
Cut off your old friends hand
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6 Meanings

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Cover art for Blood Tears lyrics by Blind Guardian

this was when morgoth captured Maedros, and hung him with that contraption against that mountain, and his friend Fingon came to rescue him...who in the end had to cut his hand off..

Cover art for Blood Tears lyrics by Blind Guardian

Maedhros was captured by Morgoth in the 2nd battle and chained to Thangorodrim (the mountains surronding Angband) Fingon asked the Valar to send aid. Aid came in the form of the eagles and Thorondor. Fingon had to cut off Maedhros's hand.

Can't think what else that song's about.

Cover art for Blood Tears lyrics by Blind Guardian

This song is about Maedros, right.

Also there's a quote - Hansi is fond of quoting his inspirations - a quote from Metallica's Welcome Home (Sanitarium).

Welcome to where time stands still No one leaves and no one (ever) will

Cover art for Blood Tears lyrics by Blind Guardian

Yeah, I almost laughed aloud when I first heard Metalica's Sanitarium :) (and yes, I heard Blind Guardian before Metalica, lol) Blind Guardian does that line particularly well :)

Cover art for Blood Tears lyrics by Blind Guardian

My favorite song of all time. and it just happens to be about my favorite character from my favorite book.

I honestly can't think of any story filled with more misery and tragedy than Tolkien's Silmarillion. Damn, I love Maedhros

Cover art for Blood Tears lyrics by Blind Guardian

This is one of my favorites of BG the chorus is just so powerfull and the lyrics in overall are very great. this is also a great album, pitty they couldn't do the soundtrack of LotR