3 Meanings
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Biased Bigotry Lyrics

it's so easy to find the faults
in everyone else & not look at myself
i'm geting used to not having to
look at the facts of where I'm at

you don't know me so don't judge me
your biased bigotry can't control me

God's son my judge only He & not you who ar you
you see my skin God see's my heart deep within

the way I see the way it seems to me
I won't agree you can't live my life for me
3 Meanings
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dude, take a chill pill. if you don't like it, that's fine, but don't say we're "fucked in the head" just because we love mxpx

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woo hoo this song rox! it reminds me soo much of myself because it expresses so many of my opinions! ya! MxPx rawks!

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wootwoot, another amazingly under rated song from LIH. this song is very complex i find in its simplicity, u can spend hours dissecting what exactly is biased bigotry and how it can relate to religion and im sure many other thing mike wasnt even thinking about when he wrote this...but i dont have the hours to do so and wouldnt if i did :)...kick ass song

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