Where Do The Children Play? Lyrics

Well I think it's fine building Jumbo planes,
or taking a ride on a cosmic train,
switch on summer from a slot machine,
yes get what you want to, if you want,
'cause you can get anything.

I know we've come a long way,
we're changing day to day,
but tell me, where do the children play.
Well you roll on roads over fresh green grass,
for your lorry loads pumping petrol gas,
and you make them long and you make them tough,
but they just go on and on, and it seems that you can't get off.

Oh. I know we've come a long way,
we're changing day to day,
but tell me where do the children play.
Well you've cracked the sky, scrapers fill the air,
but will you keep on building higher 'til there's no more room up there.

Will you make us laugh, will you make us cry,
will you tell us when to live, will you tell us when to die.
I know we've come a long way, we're changing day to day.
But tell me, where do the children play.
Song Info
Submitted by
novartza On Jun 03, 2001
25 Meanings
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When its all become an overbuilt over-populated city of skyscrapers blocking out the sun, where will the children play? There's nowhere left for them.

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Over-development yes definetly. It's about how we're building skyscrapers, pumping gas, destroying the world, and not thinking about where the children play. Where do the children play? on the ground. If we develop and dig holes to find gas and put pollution in the air and destroy the outside world where the ground is, where WILL the children play? And do children need slot machines to enjoy their summers? We have come a long way and everyday we change more, in some ways its a good thing and in some ways its a bad thing. by the way, Cat Stevens voice is so amazing, it makes songs as serious as this so much lighter, but makes you remember them and keep thinking...

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Thank you ZeroOne. For a moment I thought I was the only one who gets that this song is about all of the development that is happening (and has happened for decades) that is destroying all of our green, green grass, trees, and playgrounds, taking away land that the children can play on. Yes, development and technological advances have brought some good, but they have also definitely brought some bad.

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A simple song, speaking about how society is changing, but not neccesarily for good...

yes we can have all these technological advancements, but what about the simple things..'Where do the children play?'

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The priorities are out of control. (Tell me what's more important) We are thinking the wrong way.

Have a look on red hot chilli pepper's californication

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I love this song. One of my wierder choices of astists but i get alot of my taste in anything really off my dad so im stuck with it :P. This is one of my favourite Cat Stevens songs

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I love the part that says, "Will you tell us when to live, will you tell us when to die?"

I think it's referencing that when country's start wars, they are essentially sending their young people off to die.

RIght, felt every word it lived every tune in it, with they way to Dubai, during the first days of the Super Airbus A380 launched.. huge jumbo cosmic train

taking ya to a last desert (was) area converted to ice skating ski Alps chalets in the middle of the dessert where is its the actual ---> local homeland native life where they still love it, and bothered with the growing numbers of concrete 'n steel dominating the desert.

thats where you feel from 45'C switched to -6'C in the middle of the dessert. like a slot machine.


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to me? this song reminds me of poland. random eh? i was there when i first heard it.

i see the meaning about over-development, it does make sense.

I must be one of the only 16 year old cat stevens fans whose parents DONT like Cat Stevens. I just randomly heard a song (father and son) and like him.

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this song is about how technology and cities are booming and destroying the world and nature and when all is said and done, where will the children play?

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I love this line: and you make them long and you make them tough, but they just go on and on, and it seems that you can't get off.

The message I get from this song is that the world is getting so "built up" and we can't ever get away from that and the cities are getting bigger, as the open "green grass" etc are getting smaller.

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