Greener With The Scenery Lyrics
how could you go and do something like that?
my fingernail phase
the worst has got the best of you
i ask you and i know i need a change
you rip my heart out of my then you put it back
i'm pulling my hair
i let you just a million times
i love you even though it isn't fair
play this game over again
around we go, around again.. circles
you rip my heart out of me then you put it back
i'm pulling my hair
i let you just a million times
i love you even though it isn't fair
play this game over again
around we go, around again.. circles

This is song is beautiful...especialy for my current mood. To me it means, and i could be wrong, about how his girlfriend just treats him like shit and rips his heart out (you rip my heart right out of my...then you put it back) all the time, and then apoligizes for the things she did and for some odd reason he keeps taking her back (around we go, around again....circles). God knows how many times i've been in this situation. I always seem to find the heartbreakers...

This song, is also my life story. that line "i love you even though it isnt fair" gosh that is so me. It seems as though guys can treat me like crapp, but i always forgive and try and forget. its a never ending circle

you tell me

I don't know if anyone's realized this before, but I believe there's some "artwork" in the song titles, especially this one which follows right after "Blue and Yellow" on the album. Bert once said this song was for Quinn, about their friendship in a loving way. What seems too obvious is that one would be blue, the other yellow, and together, they are green, thus "Greener with the scenery" which follows right after. It makes me think about "greener on the other side", that "green" is associated to something better, more complete, joyful.

A friend of mine just bought this cd and I've heard the whole album about three times today... yet this one song sticks out to me for some reason... guess I think I know what he's singing about...

wow..this song totally rocks..i definitely feel the lyrics..the used kick ass.

This song is so melodic and beautiful it drives me nuts. I love at the end of the first verse how Brett says the word "fair". I also love the loop of the chorus and the backing vocals that sing "change" during the chorus. It sounds so much like Jeremy Enigk of Sunny Day Real Estate it's wonderful.

Great song, amazing band. I can totally relate to what he's saying. It seems like every relationship I get in, is exactly like this. She trets me like shit and totally doesn't appreciate me, but then I always go back because I just can't get over her. One big, shitty cycle.

i love this song and the used. i just have one question, isnt it "run we go around again in circles" instead of "around we go, around again.. circles"?

what cd is this on i have never heard of this song, but i love the used