Save A Prayer Lyrics
And the lights are flashing on your window sill
All alone ain't much fun so you're looking for the thrill
And you know just what it takes and where to go
Save it til the morning after
No don't say a prayer for me now
Save it til the morning after
If you can you'll see the world in all his fire
Take a chance like all dreamers can't find another way
You don't have to dream it all, just live a day
Save it 'til the morning after
No don't say a prayer for me now
Save it 'til the morning after
Save it 'til the morning after
Save it 'til the morning after
Don't ask me why I'll keep my promise melt the ice
And you wanted to dance so I asked you to dance
But fear is in your soul
Some people call it a one night stand but we can call it paradise
Save it til the morning after
No don't say a prayer for me now
Save it 'til the morning after
Save it 'til the morning after
Save it 'til the morning after
Save it 'til the morning after
Save it 'til the morning after (doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo)
Save a prayer 'til the morning after
Save a prayer 'til the morning after
Save a prayer 'til the morning after
Save a prayer 'til the morning after
Save a prayer 'til the morning after
Save a prayer 'til the morning after

I absolutely love the melody of this song. It is so beautiful. What I love is the fact that despite being released over 20 odd years ago, the song still sounds fresh as does most of DD's songs. The somewhat tranquilizing melody combined with Simon's dreamy vocals make for a stunning song.
My interpretation of the meaning is very simple - two lonely strangers meet up in presumably a foreign place (this I figured from the exotic location in the video) and hook up for one night with no intention to take it any further than that.
'Don't say a prayer for me now, save it till the morning after.' What he (Simon) is telling the woman is not to worry about tomorrow and just savour the moment. Essentially, I think that pretty sums up the whole song - forgetting about everything and just living in the present moment.
Still, an utterly beautiful song like only Duran Duran can do it.

I always thought it was about not "saying a prayer" until the "morning after" a nuclear holocaust!! I know that's so crazy but that's what a 10 year old (me) thought it was about. I was too innocent to know the real meaning. It reminds me of 5th grade recess monkey bars at Aikin Elementary in Roman Forest, TX. That's what happens to kids that watch too much cold war tv news coverage and get religion shoved down their throats but are allowed to listen to whatever they want. At least I had/have an awesome imagination.
I don't want to presume to know what the writer was thinking, but, to my mind, this is about nuclear holocaust. The writing is just metaphorical, a common phenomenon in lyrics. Now, there is an outside chance it's about AIDS, but I prefer the nuclear holocaust angle. Could be AIDS, though. It's definitely not about the literal meaning of the lyrics. And, of course, most artists will tell you the song means what you want it to mean, and it means something different to each listener.
I don't want to presume to know what the writer was thinking, but, to my mind, this is about nuclear holocaust. The writing is just metaphorical, a common phenomenon in lyrics. Now, there is an outside chance it's about AIDS, but I prefer the nuclear holocaust angle. Could be AIDS, though. It's definitely not about the literal meaning of the lyrics. And, of course, most artists will tell you the song means what you want it to mean, and it means something different to each listener.

I think lots of people are conjuring images of the "morning after" pill when listening to this song nowadays. However, that may be kind of close. I agree that it's sung from the perspective of a guy who's if not an actual gigolo, is pretty near to it. For whatever reason, this encounter is especially poetic to him. "Saving a prayer" until the morning after is basically the idea of setting consequences aside and worrying about them later, be they typical one-night stand complications or other issues. The band tends to play this song as a tribute when someone close to them passes away. While the melancholic melody works for that purpose, the lyrics don't.

I really think this song is about AIDS. In which case, it does make sense in memorium, in certain cases. Think about when it was written...

"The only story about this one is that I was obsessed by a song in the seventies when I was a little boy called If You Could Read My Mind. Does anyone know that song, by Gordon Lightfoot? You know, "bout a ghost from a wishing well" "if you could read my mind, love" and you know there's that bit [sings this part] "don't say a prayer for me now" [from Save A Prayer, not If You Could Read My Mind] well it kinda comes from [singing again, getting you to hear how close the melody is] "and you won't read that book again" It actually inspired two songs, two Duran Duran songs and this is one of them, this is Save A Prayer" -Simon on VH1 Storytellers: Duran Duran
@laurelinwyntre Love the Gordon Lightfoot song - oddly I was first introduced to it by the oddball comic tv programme, 'Trigger happy TV'
@laurelinwyntre Love the Gordon Lightfoot song - oddly I was first introduced to it by the oddball comic tv programme, 'Trigger happy TV'

My interpretation is that this song is about a one night stand with a woman (possibly famous), and hoping she doesn't get pregnant. "You saw me standing by the wall corner of a main street And the lights are flashing on your window sill All alone ain't much fun so you're looking for the thrill and you know just what it takes and where to go."
Later there is a lyric about taking a chance and he even says: "Some people call it a one night stand but we can call it paradise"
The chorus has to do with praying that she won't get pregnant. Save a prayer till the morning after.
What do you guys think?

I think its about two people who LOVE eachother but they know the next day they cant see eachother anymore. so I think it is about loss
@aJTlover oh yeah i forgot to ad: he doesnt need prayers now cause he is in love. He feels like he is in paradise. But he needs prayers the morning after cause by than he is hurting bad because of his broaken heart.
@aJTlover oh yeah i forgot to ad: he doesnt need prayers now cause he is in love. He feels like he is in paradise. But he needs prayers the morning after cause by than he is hurting bad because of his broaken heart.

There's a melancholic feeling to the song with the minor key melody; the keyboard figure sounds like a Scots or Irish folk lament. I often think that melancholy filters through to the chorus: 'Save it (a prayer) til the morning after.. when the night's pleasure is done and we part even lonelier than we were before we met - then that is when we'll need all the help I can get. Much of 'Rio' is brash and optimistic but there is a hint of vulnerability to several of the songs which seals its appeal.

In my opinion, it's when he's having too much fun in an 80s party, so you save a prayer for the morning after, when the hangover comes and the shock with the reality, don't you agree?

Isn\'t it obvious? It\'s just about feeling guilty for having a 1 night stand.