Life Without You Lyrics
We all have missed you... and the way you grin
The day is necessary... every now and then
For souls to move on... givin' life back again, and again
Fly on fly on my friend
Go on... live again... love again
Sittin' here second guessing every minute... as the years go passing by... bye, bye
Wishin' all the love we took for granted... love we have today
The angels have waited for so long... now they have their way
Take your place...

This song was written about charlie weirz. Charlie was a close friend of stevie who died in the early 80s. I personaly knew charlie he was my wood shop teacher at Thomas a edison Jr.high in west dallas tx. I got to be there when charlie was working on stevies guitars. in fact, if you look up stevies guitars you will find that one of stevies guitars was named Charlie . Charlie opened a guitar shop (Charlie's guitars) on the corner of harry hines blvd and walnut hill. I bought my first good guitar from charlie himself . It was a fender esquire around 1980 he died a couple of yrs later if I remember right. I learned a few years later that the song LIFE WITH OUT YOU was about charlie. I miss you charlie.

Stevie wrote this song for a friend of him that passed away... He was on stevie his mind allot and sadly stevie was born into eternal life to soon. He was a great musician and person and is very missed so in other words this song is about losing sombody you really care for.

this is an amazing song, I can't believe that only one person has chimed in on it. /// is right about the meaning behind the song. It was written for a dear friend or SRV's named Charley Wirz. Charley was the guy who built the white stratocaster (which really isn't a strat, but a strat style guitar made from a bunch of pieces that wirz had lying around his music shop) that this song was played on during live performance; he also plays tin pan alley on this guitar quite often. The fact that he wrote such a beautiful piece for his departed friend is a testament to how heartfelt the loss was to Stevie. Anyway, an amazing song - I recommend to all!

guitar solo towards the end is like no other SRV song, he truly made a great song for his friend. RIP SRV.

This song is haunting. The sustain and reverb in the solo just makes you close your eyes and you can feel Stevie's emotion through his guitar. One of his best songs. I saw an interview with him talking ab the guitar Charley made for him, and he got teary eyed just talking about him. He obviously meant a great deal to him. It's too bad we can listen to this song now and think of Stevie.

I think that this song is about him reconnecting with himself after tragedy. I think that he is expressing how when we go through tragedy we can lose touch with much of the love in our lives.

boltau Tou- effin' che' man. Breaks my heart every time I hear this song . . .Genius wouldn't be an inappropriate word to attach to Stevie.

The solo in this song, opens my heart and pours tear filled emotion into it. SRV=Greatest

"All We have, ever, is the need to give each other our love, if we forget that, we lose everything we got. Lets remember that and get out of this place alive ok?"
Stevie says this at Montreux in '85, and everytime i hear it, it gives me chills
I feel the same thing everytime I hear it!
I feel the same thing everytime I hear it!

I am dedicating this song to my weimaraner "Greta". My girl of almost 17 years. The day is on my friend. RIP Greta 1998-2015.