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Jock-O-Rama Lyrics

You really like gorillas?
We've got just the pet for you
It's the way you're forced to act
To survive our schools

Make your whole life revolve around sports
Walk tough - don't act too smart
Be a mean machine
Then we'll let you get ahead

Jock-O-Rama - Save my soul
We're under the thumb of the Beef Patrol
The future of America is in their hands
Watch it roll over Niagara Falls

Pep rally in the holy temple
And you're forced to go
Masturbate en masse
With the favored religious cult

Cheerleaders yell - "Ra Ra Team"
From the locker room parades the prime beef
When archaeologists dig this up
They'll either laugh or cry

Jock-O-Rama - On the brain
Redneck-a-thon drivin' me insane
The future of America is in their hands
Watch it roll over Niagara Falls

Unzip that old-time religion
On the almighty football field
Beerbellies of all ages
Come to watch the gladiators bleed

"Now boys, this game ain't played for fun
You're going out there to win
How d'ya win?
get out there
And snap the other guy's knee!"

Beat 'em up! Beat 'em up!
Ra Ra Ra
Snap those spinal cords
Ha Ha Ha

The star quarterback lies injured
Unconscious on the football field
Looks like his neck's been broken
Seems to happen somewhere every year

His mom and dad clutch themselves and cry
Their favorite son will never walk again
Coach says, "That boy gave a hundred percent
What spirit
What a man"

But who cares?
Games over - Let's go get wasted man
To the 7-11, to the liquor store
Let's party all night and party some more

Another Trans-Am
Wrapped itself around a telephone pole
"I ain't drunk, officer
I just fell gettin' out of my car"

Don't worry about it, son
We were that way when we were young
You've got all the skills
To make a damn good businessman

Jock-O-Rama - that's the law
Come lick the butts of the Beef Patrol
If the future of America is handed to them
Watch it roll over Niagara Falls.
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17 Meanings

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Cover art for Jock-O-Rama lyrics by Dead Kennedys

sorry mountainjew but i dont think it applies to little "sk8r" punks as they are not encouraged to try and damage the opposition and they do not make their parents proud or anything like that. it doesnt have the same social regard that the DKs are talking about.

Cover art for Jock-O-Rama lyrics by Dead Kennedys

i must download.

Cover art for Jock-O-Rama lyrics by Dead Kennedys

The typical redneck country town where high school football is what it's all about.

The songs saying how jocks are always let off easy because they're the football players that will lead the town to glory, even though once they get out of college they're royally fucked.

Cover art for Jock-O-Rama lyrics by Dead Kennedys

Someone at my school broke their neck and is mostly paralyzed from the waist down now. Everything went EXACTLY as this song portrayed it. Oh the irony.

Not EXACTLY... the quarterback in this song becomes a quadriplegic, not a paraplegic. But I'm splitting hairs.

Not Valid

@Spectral I know people who have permanent injuries from competitive sports at school. Swimming hard for four hours every day (two hours before school and two hours after school) is going to put a lot of strain on the muscles and tendons.

Cover art for Jock-O-Rama lyrics by Dead Kennedys

"You really like gorillas? We've got just the pet for you It's the way you're forced to act To survive our schools"

So true.

Best line: "When archaeologists dig this up They'll either laugh or cry"

Cover art for Jock-O-Rama lyrics by Dead Kennedys

This is exactly how it goes at my school, the teachers and students both obsess about sports then force us who don't like them to go to "pep rallies" and junk like that.

Cover art for Jock-O-Rama lyrics by Dead Kennedys

ha, mountain jew is stupid.

Cover art for Jock-O-Rama lyrics by Dead Kennedys

This song basically describes my highschool in every way, shape and form.

My school is a highly-athletic school, highly-academic school which wins the state championship in football most every year.

In a way, this song is written about my school.

Cover art for Jock-O-Rama lyrics by Dead Kennedys

By the way, our football team is 6-A sized (which is very large, from what I hear.)

Cover art for Jock-O-Rama lyrics by Dead Kennedys

I thought this culture didn't really exist in UK schools till I went to a rugby match at this private school at its exactly the same.

@Violentpacifist Believe me it went on in grammar schools as well as and now in the comprehensive schools that were once grammar schools.