9 Meanings
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I Am The Owl Lyrics

I am your plumber
No I never went away
I still bug your bedrooms
And pick up everything you say
It can be a boring job
To monitor all day your excess talk

I hear when you're drinking
And cheating on your lonely wife
I play tape recordings
Of you to my friends at night

We've got our girl in bed with you
You're on candid camera
We just un-elected you

I am the owl
I seek out the fowl
Wipe 'em away
Keep America free
For clean livin' folks like me

If you demonstrate
Angainst somebody we like
I'll slip on a wig
And see if I can start a riot
Transform you to an angry mob
All your leaders go to jail for my job

But we ain't the Russians
Political trials are taboo
We've got our secret
Ways of getting rid of you
Fill you full of LSD
Turn you loose on a freeway


Send you spinning
Send you spinning
Send you spinning all over the freeway
Spinning on the crowded freeway
Spinning on the freeway
Spinning on the freeway
Spin - Lookout

The Press, they never even cared
Why a youth leader walked into a speeding car
In ten years we'll leek the truth
By then it's only so much paper

You know, Watergate hurt
But nothing really ever changed
A teeny bit quieter
But we still play our little games

We still play our little games
We still play our little games
We still play our little games
We still play a lot of games
I am the owl.
9 Meanings
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Its about government spying.

"I am your plumber No I never went away I still bug your bedrooms And pick up everything you say It can be a boring job To monitor all day your excess talk

I hear when you're drinking And cheating on your lonely wife I play tape recordings Of you to my friends at night"

the fbi and others would (do) fuck up your drainage or plumbing so you would call a plumber. the plumber (who was actually a fbi agent) would come in to fix your toilet and bug your house in the proccess.

"We've got our girl in bed with you You're on candid camera We just un-elected you"

if you're an ellected official who's not playing ball with the regular white agenda, the feds would (will) pay a girl to seduce you and come home with you. they would then record you having sex with her, and leak it to the media. bingo, no more govenor with contradicting polocies in office.

then biafra cuts to a new job for "the owl".

"If you demonstrate Angainst somebody we like I'll slip on a wig And see if I can start a riot Transform you to an angry mob All your leaders go to jail for my job"

often times if there is a peacful march or demonstration against the government, police or feds will dress up as protestors and start trouble so that the police in uniform have a good reason to start bashing heads and shooting. they did it against the blacks in the 70's and its a widespread tool these days. ( cms.animalfarmshow.com/ )

"But we ain't the Russians Political trials are taboo We've got our secret Ways of getting rid of you Fill you full of LSD Turn you loose on a freeway

Send you spinning Send you spinning Send you spinning all over the freeway Spinning on the crowded freeway Spinning on the freeway Spinning on the freeway Spin... Spin... Spin - Lookout

The Press, they never even cared Why a youth leader walked into a speeding car In ten years we'll leek the truth By then it's only so much paper

You know, Watergate hurt But nothing really ever changed A teeny bit quieter But we still play our little games"

this referse to the horrible force they use if the other methods arent working. in short, they kill you, and make it looks like you were a schmuck. fill you with drugs, make it look like you killed yourself, or that you were some sort of pervert or bad person, so the public dosnt care. it also referse to how they do evil, and then release the evidence ten to thirty years later and say "that administration was bad, but we fixed it. were better." see: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKULTRA en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COINTELPRO

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its about watergate, a "plumber" is someone who was employed to plug up leaks in government information. watergate was basically a load of national newspapers got hold of a shitload of top secret pentagon papers and published them [they were stolen from the WATERGATE hotel] from what i gather Nixon or his aides paid someone to tap the watergate hotel phones and steal the papers.

nixion was re-elected because of this

this site explains it far better watergate.info/chronology/brief.shtml

The live version of this song on the Rat Music for Rat People compilation begins with a spoken intro from Jello: "Remember Watergate? Watergate is legal now! President Reagan said so when he signed on the dotted line!" Therefore this song is not just about Watergate but all of the other government wiretappings throughout America's history, which were (and still are) going on ("we still play our little games"), and most of which did not receive legal action. "I hear when you're drinking and cheating on your lovely wife" might be a reference to the FBI's 1963 wiretapping and blackmail of...

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This is about unwarranted wiretaps being used to discredit and take out political opposition. This song predates Obama's war on whistleblowers, the FISA amendment act, USA PATRIOT Act, recent changes to NDAA that allow indefinite detention of American citizens, and 'Enhanced Interrogation'. Simply put, we've got a bigger problem now.

Just think about what these changes enable in a retold narrative of this song. The owl isn't even needed for gathering info anymore, with mass surveillance and a file on everybody, the CIA doesn't need costly targeted wiretaps. With the FISA amendments act, telecoms are immune from prosecution when participating with warrentless wiretaps. But with enormous homeland security budgets, this didn't stop them from flying helicopters during Occupy events to keep a watch. Agent provocateurs were in the crowds trying to escalate things towards violence. The famous Occupy Cleveland bomb threat was entirely manufactured by the FBI who just needed to mislead a few dumb anarchist kids to take the fall, supplying them with all the plans and even a fake bomb. The NDAA enables indefinite pretrial detention of anybody they don't like. Even retweets have been cited for felony charges against journalists investigating the military industrial lobbying complex. Things have changed since Watergate, and whistleblowers have even fewer protections from these little games.

My Opinion
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It's not just Watergate. It's ultimately about people who do horrible, horrible things and claim that they're moral because the horrible acts are in the service of a higher cause.

See "the War on Terror"

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Also try "Government wiretapping".

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Whats with the whole youth leader walking into car bit about?

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Actually, Watergate was what caused Nixon to resign. It would have got him put i jail but he was pardoned by President Ford.

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Well done maredcain, but...referse?

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heh look whos first to comment:D

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