7 Meanings
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Hyperactive Child Lyrics

I'm tired of kissin' ass
I can't sit still all day
You know I know your school's a lie
That's why you dragged me here

'You're a hyperactve child
You're disruptive, you're too wild
We're going to calm you down
Now this won't hurt a bit'

Drag me to the floor
Pullin' down my pants
Ram a needle up my butt
Put my brain into a trance

'No more hyperactive child
Got too much of a mind
Wouldn't you rather be happy?
Now this won't hurt a bit'

Cameras in the halls
No windows, just brick walls
Pledge allegiance to a flag
Now you will obey...
7 Meanings
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reminds me of how today anytime someone seems the least bit out of line they put them on drugs

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It's about how children who show some free-thinking are drugged until they conform.

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classic DK. the lyrics are so crude & cheesy but say so much.

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I had a friend who was considered "hyper-active" as a kid and had to take some kind of depressent to keep him from bouncing off the walls. I had another friend who was considered a depressed teen, even though she always seemed fine to me, but people tried ot make her take happy pills to make her more socially acceptible. I also knew another guy who's addicted to some prescription painkillers and has failing kidneys because he took too much unnecessary medication when he was younger. The things we do to seem normal, the things we ignore to feel like we're right.

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I'm tired of kissin' ass

Concerta (slow release Ritalin) made me do that alot

this song reminds me of when i wasent paying as much attention and then they uped my dose by 18 mg.

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I know exactly how they feel. I was put on ritalin for being "Hyperactive"...I'd say it's because I was more creative than other people so they got jealous and drugged me.

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I liked my brother better when he was autistic... even though he was antisocial, he was also thoughtful, artistic, a real genius in my eyes.

This song always reminds me of how angry I am that society and my parents couldn't handle who my brother was, so they gave him therapy, shots, and pills.

Now they "cured" him and he's completely different. Now he's just like every other bratty kid. They call it an improvement, but I think they destroyed him.

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