9 Meanings
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Your Emotions Lyrics

Your mommy told you this
And your daddy told you that
Always think like this
And never do that
You learned so many feelings
But what is there to that
Which are really yours
Or are you just a copycat

You're so boring boring boring
Always tape machine recording
You're so boring boring boring
I've heard all this before

Planless and mindless
Scraps from anywhere
Bunch of used parts
From garbage pails everywhere
Frankenstein became a monster
Just like you
Your scars only show
When someone talks to you

You're so boring boring boring
Always tape machine recording
I've heard all this before
I've heard all this before
Your emotions make you a monster
9 Meanings
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I like the lyric "your emotions make you a monster" but they don't really fit in this song. They should be in a whole different song.

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It's about how a kid's mind is loaded with influences from a bunch of different sources: parents, their church or school, peer pressure, TV. They've never really been taught to think for themselves so by the time they're grown their mind is just a compressed brainfuck of things they've been told to think by everyone else, and since they can't sort them out into their own viewpoints they become just like a tape machine recording on repeat.

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The ending "your emotions make you a monster" is (what iwantawifewithtits aready kinda said) the bogey expression subliminally induced into our brains. It summarizes the whole song.


My Interpretation
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This is song is about conformity and how people usually just do what their parents say and stuff like that. An awesome song with a great message, too.

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This song applies to so many people I know...turning right into their parents (in a bad way.)

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this song is not just about kids turning into their parents. this song is also about how anytime a kid thinks something is cool they remember it and repeat it. literally. for example, with popular sayings from tv, like the simpsons. "you're so boring boring boring always tape machine recording your so boring boring boring ive heard all this before!" this song is about people not having their own ideas and beliefs, so they just adopt as their own. also, its about how kids are encouraged to not talk about their emotions and peer pressures role in it, mostly with boys. it works on many levels, as well as with previously mentioned stuff about their parents brainwashing their kids to think a certain way and to have certain ideals. whoA i rambled alot, but even though this song is really short, it sure says alot

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Yeah, I agree with iwantawifewithtits. In Britain, there's a TV show called Little Britain, actually quite a funny show, but the big problem is that a lot of the characters tend to have catchphrases of sorts. So the 'coolest' thing to do at my school right now is to start shouting these out ever few seconds. I just shove my headphones in and listen to this song, that way the impersonations seem funny.

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The best line is definately "your emotions make you a monster". It's so true, I mean...just really true. This song, to me, is about conformity and how you need to be yourself and not what people want you to be.

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The ending "your emotions make you a monster" is (what iwantawifewithtits aready kinda said) the bogey expression subliminally induced into our brains. It summarizes the whole song.


My Interpretation
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