King Of Comedy Lyrics
Make your money with true denial
Make your money expert advice,
If you can wing it
Make your money with a power ply
Make your money with a buyout bribe
Make it lie as long as you mean it
Grease the pig, give a squeeze (squeeze me)
Make it holy illumination
Say a prayer at every station
Don't forget to ask for mercy
Make your money with a pretty face
Make it easy with product placement
Make it charged with controversy
I'm straight, I'm queer, I'm bi
I'm not your magazine,
I'm not your television
make it young and make it quick
Make your money on the jukebox, baby,
let's pick up sticks
Make your enemies make your moves
Make your critics stumble through
Make it smart and make it schmooze
Make it look easy
I'm not your magazine,
I'm not your television,
I'm not your movie screen
I'm not commodity (all together now)
I'm not commodity
I'm not commodity

This song is the first that Monster-Haters name when they complain about the album, but I love it. Starts off with a robotic voice with a banging beat, but a great melody developes, and the ending is great with the harmonies and stuff. Great song. Great album. Heck, they're all great.

How making money is a priority for some people, and what they will do to get it.Some people say this song is over-processed, but I love it, my favorite Monster song.

I take this song as a manifestation against materialism, against exploitation and the way people disguise it to ptotect their businesses and social position. I think that in this song Michael describes the way a corrupt rich parent would explain to his kid the ways to make big money (dishonest ways are always easier and more effective) and still looking like a decent person in the process. I really like this song =)

Adding to algunmae's description King Of Comedy is a 1983 Martin Scorsese film in whcih a would be stand up comic will do anything to become famous eventually restorting to kidnapp and blackmail.

I can say the song means do not put labels on people. the song has the lyrics says I'm straight, I'm queer I'm bi means he dose not like it when people label him as gay, bi, queer and straight. When we put labels on people it is more like we are looking people like they are objects, machines, materials, and we are putting the people into boxes. People do not want to be putted into boxes and people do not want to be labeled because if we label people, we are destroying the good qualities the people have and we are treating people like they are nothing but objects or machines go into boxes.

I can say the song means do not put labels on people. the song has the lyrics says I'm straight, I'm queer I'm bi means he dose not like it when people label him as gay, bi, queer and straight. When we put labels on people it is more like we are looking people like they are objects, machines, materials, and we are putting the people into boxes. People do not want to be putted into boxes and people do not want to be labeled because if we label people, we are destroying the good qualities the people have and we are treating people like they are nothing but objects or machines go into boxes.