4 Meanings
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Pessimistic Lines Lyrics

So here we are again to experience the bitter, scalding end
And we're the only ones who can perceive it.
But others sing of beauty and the story that's unfolded
As one that deserves praise and ritual.
My pessimistic lines,
Your superstitious lives,
And the modern age's lies won't absolve you.
And the professorial truth,
And the dear clairvoyant youth,
And of course the nightly news will deceive you.
(Watch out!)
My pessimistic lines,
Your superstitious lives,
And the modern age's lies won't absolve you.
And the professorial truth,
And the dear clairvoyant youth,
And of course the nightly news will deceive you.
(Let's go!)
Song Info
Submitted by
oofus On Jun 02, 2001
4 Meanings
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I consider myself an optimist, and believe me, I fully understand the fucked up state of our world, I think that once you understand what is really going on, it takes an optimist to have hope and go out and try to change things for the better. There's no point standing up for what you believe in if you have no hope of achieving something. Bands like Bad Religion and Anti-Flag are trying to change the world for the better through the powerfull meanings of their songs. If everyone listened to Bad Religion and saw things how they really are, this world would be a better place.

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the beginning point of greg graffin's "watch out" pre-solo line

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What I think he's saying is that optimists can only see the good and therefore can't realize the corrupt and current state of the world, and that pessimists alone can see the true state of things. This is a great song for anyone who sees the negative (real) facets of today.

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i always thought he was actually saying "1, 2" LOL not "watch out" :) but yeah, i've noticed he uses that "watch out" line in many songs, hehe... cute ^_^

btw. i once said something like "from the realistic point of view which is mostly pessimistic..." blah blah it's funny, cuz i didn't have this song in mind when i was saying that, only my experience LOL

great song, btw. :)

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