7 Meanings
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Man with a Mission Lyrics

rescue me when I get too deep,
talk to me there's nothing to tell,
Everyone, is a hydocrite,
look to me,
I'll save your soul
Now somebody out there must be
reading my mail
Cuz' everybody knows
I'm a,
coming to your town today,
I can damm you to fiery perdition,
Cuz' I'm a
Follow me, when you give up,
Work for me, it'll serve you well
Everyone is a hydocrite, come to me,
I'll save your soul
Now somebody out there must be
tapping my phone,
Cuz everybody knows
I'm a,
I'm gonna fly you away,
high above the noise and competition,
yeah I'm a,
Passing through your town today
I condemn you
to fiery perdition,
yeah I'm a
Song Info
Submitted by
oofus On Jun 02, 2001
7 Meanings
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This song seems to be all about a christian trying to influence people with his words of God, and how determined and bulshitty they are. Sorry about lack of articulacy!

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Greg's voice is at its most soothing while delivering the line "I condemn you to fiery perdition", just brilliant. I guess this is a take on how easily the roman church converted people back in the day.

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The song is about a priest or some other type of christian holy man. I don't know for sure but I think the parts of the song:

"Now somebody out there must be reading my mail"

"Now somebody out there must be tapping my phone,"

Lead me to believe they might be referring to a specific real life priest who came under some trouble at the time the song was written, but this is admittedly speculation on my part

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I think its about Christian missionaries who travel to the third world. Those who say they will help them if they accept Christ as their savior, etc.

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their seems to be speculation on this song.

Sounds a who lot like expressing the morale of christianity and its promises..

hehe, in music, greg's basically just taunging and teasing his enemies telling them thier his bitches haha

follow me.. when you give up... work for mee... it'l serve you well...

Im successful

is it just me or is hydocrite not a word and its used in all the lyrics and the lyrics are arranged out of order.

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I think this song is actually about Jesus himself. As a Christian I don't really agree with it, but still like the song!

My Interpretation
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i think this song is about someone facing the hard time try to make world better ,,an idealist some people may call,,of course if you wanna make a change in this world youll have to deal with many obstacles..

"cause somebody out there must be reading my mail", it implies he knows that hes not alone/only one..

i dont why everyone here relate this song to jesus or priest, a man in this song could be anyone, could be me, you.. its not a satire like most BR songs,,

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