No Control Lyrics
Into an inharmonic whole, to an inharmonic whole.
Consciousness has plagued us and we cannot shake it
Though we think we're in control, though we think we're in control.
Questions that besiege us in life are testament of our helplessness.
There's no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end.
When we all disintegrate it will all happen again, yeah.
Time is so rock solid in the minds of the hordes but they can't
Explain why it should slip away, explain why it should slip away.
History and future are the comforts of our curiosity but here we are
Rooted in the present day, rooted in the present day
Questions that besiege us in life are testament of our helplessness.
There's no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end.
When we all disintegrate it will all happen again, yeah.
If you came to conquer, you'll be king for a day,
But you too will deteriorate and quickly fade away.
And believe these words you hear when you think your path is clear...
We have no control. We have no control.
We have no control, we do not understand.
You have no control, you are not in command.
You have no control. We have no control.
No control. No control. You have no control.

We're the only animal plagued with our type of consciousness. We have the illusion of free will, yet we're not in control.
These questions will remain when we're gone, yet we think we are special and that we live in a special time.
Even those who think they're in control and powerful (kings) will deteriorate and are insignificant in the big picture.
This will continue generation after generation in a slow gradual pace as James Hutton thought: "There's no vestige of a beginning, no prospect of an end."

excellent. Truly excellent. Because everyone is so insignificant, we have absolutely no control over the world. Even if we conquer it, we will quickly fade away, and things change, so get used to it. I love it.

bad religion is really incredile.

I'd half to say that this is the best Bad Religion song. It's in a three way tie with Automatic Man and I want to Conquor the world. Man this guy is smart. He's so articulate that he's almost convinced me to be an atheist... except for the fact that he's dead wrong. But I still love him, and so does God!=
hahaha nice
hahaha nice
I'm glad, at least you don't have your head up your A$$ like many people and you don't freak out over it like many theists do! That deserves some respect!
I'm glad, at least you don't have your head up your A$$ like many people and you don't freak out over it like many theists do! That deserves some respect!
@iamnothing2u Lovely! :-)
@iamnothing2u Lovely! :-)

This song is about time. Time controls everything, and in the end there is nothing we can do to stop it, we have no control.

We have no control over certain things. We need to stop pretending that we do, and just admit it.

WELL TO BE PRECISE it means we have no control because we're insignificant compared to the leaders and even they are only temporary.

Graffin's taking a GEOLOGICAL (see Graffin's academic acheivements) perspective here. That record indicates the claim, "We have not control." We could end up trapped in a limestone or granite matrix just like the specimens in the the geological record that leads to the claim, "We have no control." This is supported by a paraphrase of the "father of modern geology" (, "There's no vestige and no prospect of an end." Read: Life can turn on a dime.

Bad Religiong just makes me even more content and satisfied to not be religious. I think that Christian punks are an Oxymoron.

and so does god.. lol. I expected that to come from someone on these bad religion posts.