13 Meanings
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Taiyou No Ao (English) Lyrics

jade sun

my scorched heart is feeling a buzzing sound
a telephone that wasn't ringing I wanted to stare at it

soon I turn the street corner where the two of us often saw films
together with the midsummer colours I recall that time

the midsummer sun my feelings piled up on the seasons
the wind that flowed past I can never reach you

I looked at you who had burst into tears it seemed so usual
only staring at you I could do nothing

A fragrance I don't know is it about that guy?
I didn't even notice the way you were already

after five years time are you happy with him?
at Teramachi, a chance meeting for some reason my heart aches

the midsummer sun my feelings piled up on the seasons
the wind that flowed past I can never reach you

a cold sun changes to a new colour
I cannot hide my scars colouring a new season

I can be wounded I am wounded people hide their scars, but
I myself will cross over, and show scars that become beautiful flowers
next eternity
An important thing " " A memory
13 Meanings
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I heard that this song is about Kyo's once-fiance who left him for his best friend... anyone else know?

But anyway, the lyrics are beautiful as always.

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Yeah, that's what it's about. One of the only songs he wrote about something that actually happened to him.

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I love this song... so amazing. What most people don't know though was that Kyo was in love with a girl and (This is hard for him to talk about) she cheated on him with another guitarist (Not Kaoru or Die or Toshiya) and she kicked him out of his own apartment when he found out. He really loved her but she did not love him back... According to what Kyo said about what she had said, she thought they were just roommates(?) I haven't read the interview in a year or two. Even though Kyo is notorious for lying, that interview and his love interest interviews are the only recorded known interviews he's never lied in.) The interview where I read this, I kept seeing all these breaks saying he was silent or he didn't want anything revealed to anyone else but the interviewer.

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wow xxmyakuxx thats pretty sad. i just wanna hug lil kyo n tell him everything is ok. if uve got the clip still we need 2 get in touch lol im trying 2 build up my diru clips atm but i cant dload too many :( neways the song is really sad but i like the way it sounds a lot

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And it's my favorite Diru song ^,^ Lyrics are great. Yes, that's sad, but Kyo would kill you if you hug him.

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@sakura chan

I feel about the same about the hugging... Sometimes I just think that, well... it´s the women that cause them (men generally) so much harm... esp Kyo it seems (eto...)... so I kind of really want to hold him tight just for a while to show him that there are women who are... of the ´healing kind´.

Haha, that sounds odd. Whatever.

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Well, regardless, I will go out of my way to make sure nobody ever hurts Kyo again. I have my ways...

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Kisaki actually said in a recent interview that the guy might have been him (he was rooming with kyo back then)... Though when the interviewer said 'REAAAALLY', he said, and I quote: "No, maybe not. But I think I know who did it."

...Kinda makes you wonder how many girlfriends Kyo had stolen...

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Something about losing or stealing a girl? IDK the beat was kinda upbeat to be about something that sad. Well it's sad to me atleast.

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This song is so sad... I can't find words... What I've heard it was Kisaki who stole the girl. He left La:Sadies or Kyo kicked him out of La:Sadies when Kyo found out. And then Toshiya started in the band but they changed name to Dir en grey. I think that the girl was REALLY stupid, I mean... who can leave Kyo for Kisaki? KISAKI?! And who can make Kyo so sad? I bet this still hunts him... I want to hug Kyo TT____TT But it was kinda good that she left him (don't be mad it was sad also and she was REALLY stupid!), because then Kisaki was replaced by Toshiya, and I mean.. Toshiya is like.. the bassking! And look how long they've been together, 10 years! GO DIR EN GREY!!

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