Swagger Lyrics
Don't know where I'm goin'

i love this song to death, but really did we need the lyrics? Really?

This song has amazing lyrical depth :P.
Really though, this song is great, one of my favorites.

This song is full of energy, which is what's so great about it...the live version from Whiskey on a Sunday is even more great when Dave King adds things like "Cheers!" in...it just adds to the jolly mood

Listened to this song for years on shitty headphones. Thought he was saying Ohh, where am I goin? ohh whereeee am I goooooooIN YEAH. Just listened to it today on my stereo >.< God was I close but still off ahaha still love the song.

haha, good times.....

This song is excellent... see, you don't need words to have a good time...

haha, this song rocks. Go, Flogging Molly!
clearly you have not been introduced to a song called Black Friday Rule
clearly you have not been introduced to a song called Black Friday Rule

Why is this song on drunken lullubies instead of swagger like its name would suggest

the lyrics are there so we can coment on the song which is fuckin awesome.

it seems like they just kept reapeating the same music while telling us "don't know where I'm going (with this song)" all the time. then finally one of them leaned over and said to bridget "let's end this bitch" and that was it.