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Dear Diary Lyrics

Dear diary
Today I saw a boy
And I wondered if he noticed me
He took my breath away

Dear diary
I can't get him off my mind
And it scares me
'Cause I've never felt this way

No one in this world
Knows me better than you do
So diary I'll confide in you

Dear diary
Today I saw a boy
As he walked by I thought he smiled at me

And I wondered
Does he know what's in my heart
I tried to smile, but I could hardly breathe

Should I tell him how I feel
Or would that scare him away
Diary, tell me what to do
Please tell me what to say

Dear diary
One touch of his hand
Now I can't wait to see that boy again

He smiled
And I thought my heart could fly
Diary, do you think that we'll be more than friends?
I've got a feeling we'll be so much more
24 Meanings
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This song tells of how a lot of girls feel, especially in their teen years. Good song. Thanks.


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OMG I totally felt like this when I first started getting crushes on boys! This song completely embodies the feelings - that smitten, nervous, giddy combination of girly emotion - that wash over a girl when she falls in love. I would definitely say this song is aimed more at 10-14 year olds, but it even applied to me when I got my last crush (who ended up being my husband!) I listened to this song and thought about him when we were first getting together! This definitely is not the most saught-after Britney song, but I like it because it really shows the quality of her voice, unlike a lot of her newer stuff.

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Britney is a poor old guit who (or schould I say which?) has less chances to get a boy (except little stupid Justin) than a rat!!! And this song shows us that she knows it!!! "Oh, diary, do you think that we could be more than friends...?") that sounds like it has been written by a teenager,... Britney a teenager?...haha, she knows much more than a 100 year old prostitute. Have you heard the talk between britney and her friends at the beginning of the song?...I just say one thing: It's STUPID!!!

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I never understood why people who do not like an artist take the time to write comments that express their hatred. That's what is stupid "las mamacitas". I'm sure you have better things to do than bad mouth artists that you don't like. Thanks.


That's kind of hypocritical. I'm sure you've done it at least once.

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this song,i never heard it,but to read the lyrics make me laugh my ass off!!!!hahaha,what a silly little bitch,she's such a evil viper,sells teenage girls the image it's ok to look like a whore,and then ruins music and it will take forever to fix what she ruined...her real diary is prolly too explict to sell

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I dislike Britney as a person, but as an entertainer, she does her job. I enjoy the music made by song writers hired for her (sue me! they're catchy). This song was written by Britney, and let's just say she should let her song writers do the the work while she sticks with dancing and whatever she really does.

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i agree with deathofjuliet. this is the 2nd cheesiest song shes done (1st being deep in my heart) but at least she made an attempt to write a song. the ones not written by her on ...oops r quite good. she's a good singer, but she should not walz around in such slutty clothes. she's doing a good job with her carreer and she will be making music for a while yet.

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well her writing sux ass(the few songs she actually writes), and actually shes not really a good singer... thankgod for studio magic, anyone can make music!!!! But yeah, Who writes crap like, dear diary I saw a boy today, I see boys everyday, i dont fall head over heels for a guy, I whistle at em or do the little call thing out the window of my brothers car. To get a guys attention you gotta do more then smile for fukks sake.... just cuz you think he smiled back doesnt mean he wants to be "more than friends" people smile, I know I do, so yeah to fall head over heels over a guy who smiled at you, gotta be pretty desperate haha

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zipped6648, do you understand what it's about, NOW??? Don't be silly, shut up!

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ok... people complained that she didnt write her own songs... and im sure we all regret it now... cause we get shit like this as the result. britney is the devil!

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