A Hamlet For A Slothful Vassal Lyrics

"Behold a jocund morn indeed! -
Sun on high - birds in sky.
Yonder the whist firth eathing,
Fro where a gale erranteth."

"Ye beholdest but the shadow.
Mayhap a tithe of trothplight -
I deem - e'er and anon!"

"To and fro, save hither,
Is thy love."

"Not a loth! -
But vying for my kinsmen!"

"Beautiful tyrant!
Fiend Angelica!
Dove-feathered raven!
Woluish-ravening lamb!
A hamlet for a slothful vassal -
Soothing ale for a parched sot.
Hie to tell me
What ye judgest as naught
I behold the shadow!"

"E'er thou sayest aye!
Thief of a plot!
Now go to thy tryst!
Go, leave, totter! -
Until ye dwindlest.
A morsel, nay more,
For thy journey
Hither and thither!"

"That is a lie!
Lief I am not!
My words are but a twist
Fare well! - with jiy I came,
With rue I leave.
Even the orb cannot.
Help me melt the ice?"

"That is a lie!
Lief I am not!
My words are but a twist
Tis a feigned lie through loathing,
I say!"

"A dotard gaffer, I daresay..."

"...a sapling not!"

"Wherefore call me such names;
Nay imp am I!
Thou art my aghast hart -
Gazing in the glade."
7 Meanings
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No wonder I had no idea what the song meant when I listened to it. I still dont.

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It's a beautiful day. A woman and a man have a fight about her cheating on him. She denies that it happened, but the man is sure that she did. They fight on, and eventually he sends her away. She begs to him, and in the end claims even the orb (the sun) cannot melt the ice (his cool attitude).

At least I was told that the song was about that.

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i luv ToT...! and this song is one of the greatest!

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this band is great but i don't know why they use difficult words??

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it seems like the man is too old for her (a dotard gaffer). the man (the grunter) calls the woman very bad things, including an undeserving person who's getting more than they deserve (a parched sot getting soothing ale, a hamlet for a slothful vassal). The lady says she isn't as evil as he says she is. the woman says she was happy at the beginning but now she leaves (the guy forces her out of his life and hopes she loses everything). PS: It took me sooo long to decipher the old vocab and then realize the many metaphors they used in the lyrics. I wished normal people knew these words...

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he's much older and shes very beautiful. i believe she flirted (my words are but a twist) with him. leading him on but nothing serious. perhaps she came to tell him shes getting married to someone else. he hates her for leading him on and is scorned that she met someone and tells her to go to him (go to thy tryst!).. but i dont think she was ever interested in him. basically hes an old guy stuck in the friend zone. but he wants her or never to see her again.

1st verse: a beautiful summer breezy warm morning

Ye beholdest but the shadow: him calling her evil (her inner self is darkness)

To and fro, save hither, Is thy love: my love for you is everywhere, except here

A hamlet for a slothful vassal - a masterpiece (beautiful woman) for a lazy wench (her ugly soul)

thief of a plot: stealing his wife's grave plot (she led him on, but wont marry him. he'll die alone)

A dotard gaffer, I daresay..a sapling not! - silly old man stop being a baby

Even the orb cannot help me melt the ice?" - even the warmth of the summer sun cannot warn the coldest he shows her.

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i agree with korb and his interpretation.

"But vying for my kinsmen!", he thinks she is going after somebody else eventhough she claims she loves him "save hither, Is thy love."

the song seems to be about how their marriage falls apart because of the guy's inability to trust the girl. (the reason i think its marriage is cause of "Mayhap a tithe of trothplight"). But it could also be the girl doesnt really love him, but she is just pretending to love him because she was promised to him in marrriage - and she does actually love that somebody else.

so it kinda feels like its hard to tell who is right and who is wrong, but regardless, their marriage falls apart. beautiful song

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