And Then He Falleth Lyrics

"Be my kin free fro carnal sin,
Bride the thoughts of Master."

"There hath past away a glore fro the Earth;
A glore that in the hearts and minds of men,
Men demented - blindfolded by light,
Hourisheth as weed in their well-groom'd garihs."

"Might I too was blindfolded ere,
Tho' years have master'd me
A masque of this to fashion:
Seer blest, thou best philosopher!"

"Tis the Divine Comedy -
The fool and the mocking court:
Fool, kneel now, and ring thy bells!:
We hold the Earth to heaven away."

"The quality of mercy and absolution,
Whence cometh such qualities?
Build thyself a mirror in which
Solely wanton images of thy desire appear!"

"Tis is Divine Tragedy -
The fool and the rocking court:
Fool, kneel now, and ring thy bells!:
Make us guffaw at thy futile follies,
Yet for our blunders - Oh, in shame;
Earth beareth no balm for mistakes -
We hold the Earth to Hell away."

- That cross you wear around your neck;
is it only a decoration, or are you a true Christian believer?
- Yes, I believe - truly
- Then I want you to remove it at once!
And never to wear it within this castle again!
Do you know how a falcon is trained my dear?
Her eyes are sown shut. Blinded temporarily
she suffers the whims of her God patiently,
until her will is submerged and she learns to serve -
as your God taught and blinded you with crosses.
- You had me take off my cross because it offended...
- It offended no-one. No - it simply appears
to me to be discourteous to... to wear
the symbol of a deity long dead.
My ancestors tried to find it. And to open
the door that separates us from our Creator.
- But you need no doors to find God. If you believe...
- Believe?! If you believe you are gullible.
Can you look around this world and believe
in the goodness of a god who rules it?
Famine, Pestilence, War, Disease and Death!
They rule this world.
- There is also love and life and hope.
- Very little hope I assure you. No.
If a god of love and life ever did exist...
he is long since dead.
Someone... something rules in his place.

"Believe? In a deity long dead? -
I would rather be a pagan suckled in creeds outworn;
With faartytales fill'd up in head:
Thoughts of the Book stillborn."

"Shadow of annoyance -
Ne'er come hither
...And then He falleth,
He falleth like Lucifer
Ne'er to ascend again..."
16 Meanings
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The song is about a theological arguing. Both parts recognize God's existance, but as one is a christian, the other states God no longer exists, but once existed. It's actually a position I've seen (in very elderly people) so I kind of related that almost inherently to this song.

I actually like the positiveness of the end, the female voice, who argues God as a active positive force, accept the fact God no longer exist, but should God not exist, then "Bad" doesn't exist too.

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I would rather be a pagan suckled in creeds outworn

from the poem The World is Too Much with us

It is about alienation from the world

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Also, the ending is taken from a shakespeare play, Henry VI

actually it's Prince Prospero speaking to Francesca from Masque of the Red Death starring Vincent Price in 1964.

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I think the song is brilliantly writen! Like gars92 says both of the voices are christians to my opinion..

The difference is that the girl is a follower from the catholic church and the man sees beyond the traditions and rules the church has made them believe (wich are nowhere to be found in the bible as a matter of fact).. He thinks the girl shouldn't be wearing crosses or any other christian symbols or what so over before she knows what they stand for.. before she knows what the church is basing itself on.. He thinks that she, like most people in those days, are blindfolded to see what is really going on, they are blinded by might, greed, false believes and continue serving a deity who is long death...Not dead by the meaning that God is dead but by the meaning that if what the church says to be real ( confessions of sins, payement to the church to wipe away sins, handicaped people are damned, diseases are a punishment, bad harvest is because we deserve it, war is by the hand of God etc) God wouldn't be a constant absolute power but a person who keeps playing with people, doesn't love evereyone, takes sides in wars, want people to suffer, no real mercey because you regret but simply because you have to monney to pay or pray endlessly to some saint etc.. So that can not be a true base of christianity ( read the bible for more details)

This is the reason he says that he even rather be a pagan with fairytales up in his head then to believe that God is like that and that this is the way He rules the world..

Theatre of tragedy wrote the song in early modern English used around the late 15th untill the early 16th century, this why the entire subject of this song should be viewed from midievel believes.. Also in the song they refer to the word of Dante Alighieri who lived in Italy around the time christianity started to been put into questioning. His work is named 'The Divine Comedy' as you find in the song 'This Divine Tragedy... This Divine Comedy' The poem from Dante tells about the journey his immortal soul makes from hell to purgatory and heaven. Wich is also the journey the soul makes towards God. He named it ' The divine comedy' as a joke because comedies are suppose to end well and be happy.. this comedy was not.. there for the group used both the words tragedy as comedy in their lyrics.. The work of Dante really fits in to the song.. it has been an inspiration for anything related to christianity in the enteire medieval period.

Song Meaning
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well alright..

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This song is cool... If you understand...

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Yes, I love this song. The meaning and lyrics are amazing.

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Very sincere, the fight by persevering with the faith, just like the fight by not perishing in this full land of vices, but what more attracts me of this song is the voice of Liv Kristine.

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This song is brilliant. I really like the dialogue they present from a movie made in 1964 which just so happens to have slipped my mind. Liv's voice is great.

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I love the "Battle" between good and evil in this song,.... and I hate to nitpick,... but please check your lyrics,... I love this song, and have it memorized,... you have a few small problems in there

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