12 Meanings
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Siren Lyrics

Haste not thine wisdom, for the hollow is ta'en -
By whom, know I not: 'lack! am I of twain -
And as a crux - cede I my words -
* Fro' my heart wilt thou ne'er
Have I been 'sooth sinsyne.
* Be left without - come!
* Thine voice is oh so sweet
I speer thine pine,
* Ryking for me:
Ryking for thee;
* "List and heed", thou say'st
Whistful, whistful -
* Chancing to lure.
Chancing to lure,
Skirl and skreigh, but for thine ears, aye, lown 'tis -
Dodge na 'way herefro, do come here in eath!
Mayhap lured by the scent of lote -
'Od! - the foetid - eft hie back I mote;
For what I did my soul atrounced,
* How I wish for thee again,
O! do believe me, 'twasn't a frounce.
* Will I give thee it: Troth.
* Thine voice is oh so sweet
I speer thine pine,
* Ryking for me:
Ryking for thee;
* "List and heed", thou say'st
Whistful, whistful -
* Chancing to lure.
Chancing to lure,
Skirl and skreigh, but for thine ears, aye, lown 'tis -
Dodge na 'way herefro, do come here in eath!
12 Meanings
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You can't really translate it directly because most of it is archaic language, but i'm pretty sure it's about a siren falling in love with a bloke she was trying to lure and he's all wary of he and crapr. I will translate it to you in a completely unsonglike way…

Her: "Don't jump to conclusions, the emptiness inside is taken over, Am I in love with you? but I don't know who you are. I swear from my heart that since I met you I've stopped luring men through song." Him: "you'll never be left without my love, come."

Chorus: Him: Your voice is so sweet Her: I ask you to long for me Him: Trying to draw me in Her: Trying to draw you in. Him: You want me to listen and obey you. Her: Silent, yearning Him: Hoping to lure Her: Hoping to lure Desperately singing, this song is for your ears only. Don't run away, but come to me with ease.

Her: Perhaps lured here by the scent of the trees - An unexplainable phenomenena that a creature as evil as me, can suddenly have substance growing within ("'Od - the foetid - eft hie back i mote" Basically this is complicated and can't be translated directly at all. Od was once something used to describe something indescribable. "The foetid" she is describing herself as foul "eft hie back I mote" she is saying how the tiny bit of substance left inside of her is growing quickly like a tadpole growing into a newt) What I did was like a punishment to my soul, but believe me, it wasn't a trick. Him: I will marry you.

This is the best translation I have ever see! I mean, englixh it's my second languaje so I couldn't undesrtand so much this beautiful song but now i can understand it pretty good!!!

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I tried to keep it poetic. I hope this helps!

Don't be hasty For the emptiness is filled By whom, I know not, But now we are one

Her: It is this, I give you my word, I have been true to you since

Him: From my heart, you will never be apart

Him: Your voice is so sweet, Her: I ask for your desire Him: Reaching for me Her: Reaching for you Him: "Listen and obey", you say Her: Whistful, whistful Him: I risk being drawn in Her: You risk being drawn in

I sing desperately, and my song is for you, only Don't run from me, but come here in ease

Perhaps drawn by the scent of nettles Od! A fetid smell! I must hasten away

Her: For my deed, my soul is defeated Him: How I wish for you again Her: O! Do believe me, it wasn't a farce Him: I pledge to you my loyalty and love.

My Interpretation

I like it! I think the same, it's a nice interpretation! I love this song so much!

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It's so romantic. And don't forget it's "whistful, wistful" (the first, "silent", the second, "yearning").

And "I speer thine pine", it means "I ask for your longing" (or so I read).

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this song proves liv to be an unbelievable vocalist. it's beautiful.

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Oh blast, I can't make out what the song is about aside from the title. Anyone got a good grasp of what they think the meaning is?

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"Thine voice is oh so sweet"

Ok, it has something to do with Sirens, but i don't really understand. It's... Mysterious. Liv is Great!

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Okay, so here's what I've translated the lyrics to mean, based on what I understood, and what I looked up. It was kind of elusive, since half of it is in Old English... but I think I've gotten at least kind of close. If you want the short version, the song is a Siren's song, which the legends talk about a Siren singing to lure someone who will be ultimately led to his grave.

Here's my translation-- Do not rush your thinking For the hollow is taken (I don't understand the second part's context...) I do not know who took it alack, I am of Twain (again, context, but twain refers to one of a pair) As the heart, I surrender to my words (Crux, reffering ot the essential part or core of something, and cede, meaning surrender to) From my heart you will never I have been, since that time (Synsine meaning since that time) Be left alone-- come! Your voice is oh so sweet I steal your affection Calling for me (Okay, so I couldn't find the definition of Ryking, but that's what I gathered from context) Calling for you Listen, and heed, you say wistful, wistful (in a longing or melancholy way) Chancing to lure Chancing to lure Skirl and Skreigh (to emit a high, shrill tone or to play music. I'm going to go with high pitched music) But this song is for your ears alone Do not run away, but come here Perhaps, lured by the scent of lote (lote is a hardwood tree) (Okay.... This line I had the hardest time with... All I could find was that foetid meant having foul odor and hie means to hasten or quicken.
What I did was my soul's calling How I wish for you again Oh, do believe me, it wasn't a trick Will I give you troth (a pledge, that they'll always be true. Think betrothal) Your voice is oh so sweet I steal your affection Calling for me (Okay, so I couldn't find the definition of Ryking, but that's what I gathered from context) Calling for you Listen, and heed, you say wistful, wistful (in a longing or melancholy way) Chancing to lure Chancing to lure Skirl and Skreigh (to emit a high, shrill tone or to play music. I'm going to go with high pitched music) But this song is for your ears alone Do not run away, but come here

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Ryking= to rake, searching, seeking. I am really glad that I have found this, because I could never translate the song this good:) And it's one of my favourites ever, so thank you:)

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Ryking= to rake, searching, seeking.

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My first thoughts were Odysseus and the Sirens in the Odyssey. Any thoughts?

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