6 Meanings
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Wet Gravity Lyrics

She was giddy
with remorse
As she skipped
river stones
Off slick rapid
rushing heads
Babies belched
from below

Clenching shame in
her stomach
It felt the same as the
last time
Cramming fear in her
white fists
Hoping this is the
last time

She put rocks in
her pockets
Shrunk away from the
water's edge
Fell down hard by a tree

She stuffed shame in
her pockets
It felt the same as the
last time

She crammed fear in her
white fists
And hope this is the
last time

Same as the last time
She hope this is the
last time
6 Meanings
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who was the woman poet who drowned herself? with rocks in her pockets...

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that was Virginal Wolff, and yeah, she commited suicide that way

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One time when I was in the car with some people I don't even know any more that were friends of a friend, this one girl talks about how sweet some Three Doors Down song is, so I go "yeah, I think the sweetest song I know is this song Wet Gravity by Failure" because near as I could tell this song is about a girl who's pregnant, has noone to support her, and is in a total state of emotional dismay.

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Those synth drums and guitar swells at the end are induce such a morbidly dark feeling, and if this is about Virginia Wolff's suicide, than this is quite fitting.


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i guess all the rockstars who accuse god for suffering in the world don't have even just a little clue about the theory of buddha that all beings are born to suffer only

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I think this is about a girl who has had multiple abortions and is disgusted with herself so she commits suicide. "Babies belched from below", "Cramming fear in her white fists", "hoping this is the last time"

My Interpretation
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