7 Meanings
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De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas Lyrics

To the elder ruins again
The wind whispers beside the deep forest
Darkness will show us the way
Heic Noenum Pax
Here is no peace
The sky has darkened thirteen as
We are collected woeful around a book
Made of human flesh
De Grandae Vus Antiquus Mulum Tristis
Arcanas Mysteria Scriptum
The books blood written pages open
Invoco Crentus Domini De Daemonium
We follow with our white eyes
The ceremonial proceeding
Heic Noenum Pax
Bring us the goat
Rex Sacriticulus Mortifer
In the circle of stone coffins
We are standing with our black robes on
Holding the bowl with unholy water
Psychomantum Et Precr Exito Annos Major
Ferus Netandus Sacerdos Magus Mortem Animalium
7 Meanings
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Its about a pagan animal sacrifice.

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I read an interview with Dead and Euronymous in which they said that De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas was the name of an occult book, supposedly with only one copy in existence.

They said that the title means (in Latin) "the Mysterious Rites of Lord Satan", though this translation seems to be incorrect. The word "Dom" does not exist in Latin, though it may be an abbreviation of "Dominus". In which case it would translate (roughly) as "The Mysteries of Lord Satan".

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somebody know where can i find out this song w/dead on vocals

My Opinion

This is probably one of the tracks that Thorns finished the lyrics to, Dead finished the four songs that they played in concert with him (Funeral Fog, Freezing Moon, Pagan Fears, Buried by Time and Dust) and then he apparently left the completed lyrics to Life Eternal with his suicide note. Blackthorn (Snorre Ruch) finished the lyrics to the other three songs from Dead's drafts and fragments.

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[Edit: O]

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That's strange. "De" or "dom" can mean "they" or "them". Y in mysteriis is a letter which is used in scandinavian languages. So it could be norwegian as well. (I can speak swedish but not norwegian)

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what does Mortem Animalium mean? my latin isnt what it used to be.. i can figure mortem out but what the fuck is animalium?.. Animal? why the fuck would they sing dead animal.... maybe the sacrificed the goat, hell i dont know great track in any case but if someone knows what mortem animalium means i sure like to know it

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I like TOTALLY love this song! I love its grody meaning and the delivey of the lyrics. There needs to be way more songs like this now!!! Been listening to a band called Zagtar and stuff but like totes not the same! Like doy not all metal is the same so there wont be much the same but seriously I need MORE!!!

My Opinion
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