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Laugh Lyrics

They're gonna laugh
Behind your back
Once you're able to stand
Steal your mattress, sever your hand
1 Meaning
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Epic, epic track. The opening guitar notes seem to go on forever, conjuring an image of a vast, empty scrubland. Eventually the music quietens down to allow the first words to come in…

The song is a cold warning, perhaps whispered from father to newborn child, of the harsh ways of the world that await. That cruelty lies a the heart of humanity.

While some form of protection may be offered while still under parental control, when the time comes to fly the nest, to stand on ones own feet, the mocking from others lost in fear and hatred will begin. Soon they will do it to your face. Eventually they will strip you off your possessions and mutilate you.

The brief foretelling of existential bleakness, without reason, explanation or consequence, reminiscent of Kafka's The Trial.

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