27 Meanings
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The Killer Is Me Lyrics

Don't need a gun
Pointed at me
No need to run
The killer is me
The killer is me

So the sun
Shines upon me
I'm havin' fun
The killer is me

Insane the mind
In the name of me
Can't find the time
To let things be

Insane the mind
In the name of me
Can't find the time
To let things be
Let things be

Oh yeah... Can I start over
Oh yeah... Can I start over
And get over it

So the sun
Shines upon me
I'm havin' fun
The killer is me
The killer is me
The killer is me

Oh yeah... Can I start over
Oh yeah... Can I start over
And get over it

Let things be
Song Info
Submitted by
ice On May 31, 2001
27 Meanings
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i'm not sure if this one was written by Jerry or Layne, but the lyrics do say a lot. "dont need a gun pointed at me. no need to run. killer is me" is self explanatory. he's killing himself (probably about drugs, but no certain) it's all about regret and wishing that he could go back and time and start off again with a clean slate. but facing reality, he has no choice but to move on. this is his biggest obstacle... how do i move on from here? how can i make things right again? i'm insane for destroying myself.

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Written by Jerry, couple hours before the Unplugged show after he pestered Layne to write it for a long time.

The more you kno...etc.

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Actually, the song was finished by the entire band during the reherasal for Unplugged. Jerry had started the song, but couldn't finish it, everyone, Layne especially wanted to get the song out as they had, had it around for a few years, never complete.

I have two ways of interpreting it. Either it is about regret of drug use, wishing to start over. Which is very likely, as it was probably started around the same time as Dirt was written.

Or the song could be about Jerry's girlfriend Courtney. Jerry has written a lot of songs about her. Their relationship was very rough, on and off again, and this song seems to fit with that. It seems like it is Jerry's regret of not working out the relationship problems that he likely caused.

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Jerry has written every song about her =) I wish layne would have contributed something to this song, it's amazing actually....

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There is only one version of this song,which was from the unplugged show.Jerry had had the music for a while and had a few lyrics.He asked Layne to put some in.At the show,Sean Kinney said to Jerry just to try it out so they did.

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if you take this song from layne's point of view, i think it's him acknowledging that he's at fault for his state and the worsening condition of it.

at the end of the song comes regret, wishing he could start over.

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The song I think is Jerry's opinion on everything in his life, with Courtney, Layne etc.

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hear hear thank god for the unplugged encore, would have really been a shame if this gem had been missed. Well, there isn't a lot of coment yet on this song, hopefully someone will come along and disagree with me: its about the power of the murderer. The bright side of destruction/killing. If you're the one with the gun, you're free to chill - stroll along, enjoy the sunshine, and have fun. Bit of a twisted way to feel after killing someone but he does note his schizophrenic mind (insane mind in the NAME of me), and i guess there is some regret in the chorus. The other aspect of the song is in the contrasting statement "can't find time to let things be" - he feels there's so much to do/change in this world, as one in control, there are so many things to kill and change, the idea of just doing nothing doesn't compute.

by the way I have to say I'm glad they were all on drugs, there's a great line by some comedian in the intro to the tool song "third eye" - "I think drugs have done some good things for us...cause the musicians that made all that great music that's enhanced your lives over the years - REAL fuckin high on drugs." I don't care what all these fuckers say about not all AiC songs being about drugs, craploads are, and most are obviously influenced by them. Don't fight it, embrace it for what its worth and just think how awesome Layne must have felt half the time. The album dirt is virtually a concept album about how great and bad heroin is.

it is a pity Layne had to die but along with all the other rock martyrs, his sacrifice was worth it.

this is so true. without drugs, a lot of great songs would not be around. but then again, on the flip side, all of jimi hendrix's last album was recorded sober. the studio wouldn't allow drugs when he switched labels.

His sacrifice was worth it? Tell that to his family and friends and see what they think of it.

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hear hear thank god for the unplugged encore, would have really been a shame if this gem had been missed. Well, there isn't a lot of coment yet on this song, hopefully someone will come along and disagree with me: its about the power of the murderer. The bright side of destruction/killing. If you're the one with the gun, you're free to chill - stroll along, enjoy the sunshine, and have fun. Bit of a twisted way to feel after killing someone but he does note his schizophrenic mind (insane mind in the NAME of me), and i guess there is some regret in the chorus. The other aspect of the song is in the contrasting statement "can't find time to let things be" - he feels there's so much to do/change in this world, as one in control, there are so many things to kill and change, the idea of just doing nothing doesn't compute.

by the way I have to say I'm glad they were all on drugs, there's a great line by some comedian in the intro to the tool song "third eye" - "I think drugs have done some good things for us...cause the musicians that made all that great music that's enhanced your lives over the years - REAL fuckin high on drugs." I don't care what all these fuckers say about not all AiC songs being about drugs, craploads are, and most are obviously influenced by them. Don't fight it, embrace it for what its worth and just think how awesome Layne must have felt half the time. The album dirt is virtually a concept album about how great and bad heroin is.

it is a pity Layne had to die but along with all the other rock martyrs, his sacrifice was worth it.

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sorry that was the best example i can think of of a rock musician's inspiration also being his undoing. ill give you nirvanas unfortunate and extreme overrating and that the meat puppets are true unsung creative genius, but as a kid nirv opened the door - for me at least - to better music, and in the throes of teenage depression kurts lyrics make a lot more sense and the grittiness of their music really does relate to the emotion i felt at the time. their lack of real talent means i rarely listen to nirvana these days but if music is art, and art is expression, nirvana were a long way from shit.

and depression is by far the most creative force we have. depression, anger, hate, jealousy, envy, greed, lust... these topics are way more prevalent than happiness and fluffiness. who the fuck wants to hear a song about how great someones life is and how happy and stable their relationship is ? it would be a fucking grinding riff for that to keep my attention. people dwell on sadness and search for other people in misery ... happiness, people take for granted when they have it.

in the context of music, it is definitely better to have lost than loved.

Layne would be writing depressed lyrics even if he weren't on drugs. He had a fucked up life to begin with. You fail, faggot.

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