Can I Do The Thing? Lyrics

Can I do the thing? If you let me do the thing I'll be happy as a king and I'll do the same for you. Can I have a gun? If you let me have a gun our two hearts will beat as one and I'll let you have one too. I had a dream. Somebody was doing something and I think something may have been said, I forget, but then the whole wide world turned a rosy red. Can I do it some more? If you let me do it more I'll tell you what we do it for and I'll let you do it too. Can I do the thing? No, you can't. If you let me do the thing I'll be happy as a king and I'll let you do it too cha cha cha.
1 Meaning
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Damn, there needs to be more MTX discussion here. No one can mix humor, truth, and cleverness better than Dr. Frank. The whole bop-innocence teetering on the edge of perversity deal in this song is genius. Real pop punk.

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