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Anti-Pope Lyrics

I'm going back to church tonight
Take me back when I was eight
But I don't mean to pray
I'm gonna nick the collection plate

I've got nothing against church
Or the people who go there and show there
Plain ignorant they don't understand
At congregation at weekends will change their behaviour
So many people are weak enough
To have to seek answers from pedlars of hope
I should know I used to go there myself
That's the day I became antipope

Theres gonna be some fun tonight
Spending it around the town
The vicars are transvestites
With a fetish for robes and gowns

I've got nothing against church
Or the people who go there and show there
Plain ignorant they don't understand
At congregation at weekends will change their behaviour
So many people are weak enough
To have to seek answers from pedlars of hope
I should know I used to go there myself
That's the day I became antipope

Religion doesn't mean a thing
Its just another way of being right wing
I think sex films are okay
I don't dig that poko way

I've got nothing against church
Or the people who go there and show there
Plain ignorant they don't understand
At congregation at weekends will change their behaviour
So many people are weak enough
To have to seek answers from pedlars of hope
I should know I used to go there myself
That's the day I became antipope
5 Meanings
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Obviously against the religious mind set specifically Christianity and even more specifically Catholicism. Its good to note that the song clearly explains its not against the followers, but the actual priests and hierarchy of religion or the people making money off other peoples suffering.

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Few people know that Spoon bit a line from this.

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I take it he don't like the pope...

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I myself agree with his stance because I use to be a church goer myself. I think the "Church" as a institution is bad but the fellows aren't exactly. The institution is full of deception,stealing, lies,etc.

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Obviously against the religious mind set specifically Christianity and even more specifically Catholicism. Its good to note that the song clearly explains its not against the followers, but the actual priests and hierarchy of religion or the people making money off other peoples suffering.

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