14 Meanings
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Buried Alive Lyrics

The poison is still in your veins
The poison I slipped in your drink
Never saw me,I am but a ghost
Never saw your dangerous host

Wake up...You're still alive...Wake up and die

All you can see in the darkness above
Is the white in my eyes...
I'm standing on the edge of your grave
Looking down
Into the eyes of a dead...
Buried alive...Buried alive

Wake up...You're still alive...Wake up and die

How does it feel with my foot on your chest?
How does it feel?
Tell me and I might forget
How does it feel to be so out of breath?
How does it feel?
Tell me and I might forget...
Buried alive...Buried alive

He started struggling,Oh the fool
Moonlight shining in his drool
I slammed the shovel straight between his eyes
"Stay down",I screamed "You're here to die"

Never saw me,I am but a ghost
Never saw your dangerous host

Wake up...You're still alive...Wake up and die

All you can see in the darkness above
Is the white in my eyes...
I'm standing on the edge of your grave
Looking down
Into the eyes of a dead...
Buried alive...Buried alive

No matter what it is you believe
You're lucky if you die in your sleep
"Murder",he screamed "Oh why?" but that's a lie
You killed me first,so now die

I'm dead,but you die,I'm gonna bury you alive

"Murder" he screamed "Oh why?"
14 Meanings
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I first got into Mercyful Fate when I heard the Metallica medley which I really liked, except for the lyrics. I'm not a devil worshipper or anything so they don't mean anything to me. But the music is really great and the singing.

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metallica sucks. if you dont like the lyrics then dont listen to their music, king diamond makes the songs a million times better..

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Nice OPINION of Metallica you have there Bob. As I said somewhere else, lyrics to me are secondary, the MUSIC that Mercyful Fate make is amazing.

And to AeroLed, mate, you gotta stop taking this stuff so seriously, the lyrics are just telling a story, and will not influence your beliefs in any way. Like how listening Metal doesn't mean you have to wear all black.....well to a few of us at least.

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can someone tell me what the story means then if it is about a story. bye the way: i am not some extreme chrisian but how can you not take this stuff serioisly. isn't king diamond a devil worshipper or something like that. and songs do influence my believes.

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if you're dumb enough to allow yourself to be influenced by song lyrics to the point you're worried about becoming 'satanic' and a 'devil worshipper', then maybe you shouldn't be listening to king and mercy.

mercy is incredible, but damn, king diamond's solo outing impressed me even more. amazing. just amazing.

and to revist what was already posted, metallica blows.

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King isn't a "devil worshipper", he's a satanist

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great lyrics, it sounds like a horror movie! Satanism has nothing to do with this song because Sammael is not even mentioned.

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I hate you stupid Christians, STOP calling him a "devil worshipper," he is a satanist, which deserves the same respect as anything else. Educate yourself before you go around preaching about jesus and demeaning satanists as pagan devil worshippers.

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King Diamond can call himself whatever he wants, but its hard to take him seriously when every time he tries to talk about his religion, he comes off sounding uneducated, childish, and just trying to be evil.

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Fuck, King Diamond is the best of the best, why are you people fighting?, after all King Diamond makes the best music in the history, be a devil worshipper or a pokemon worshipper is the same, he is great, I think no one can dany that he is an amazing musician...

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