But today when I tried to point you out to one of my friends
I picked the wrong girl again
Don't see you in the crowd anymore
I think it's you but I can't be sure
You're wearing disguises
Occasionally a girl surprises me
When she turns out to be you
Wearing disguises
And today I saw you dressed as a flower bed
Last week you had a wig on your head
Directing traffic in the street
And your shoes were too big for your feet
You were wearing disguises
Occasionally a girl surprises me
When she turns out to be you
Wearing disguises
Wearing disguises
Wearing disguises
Wearing disguises
Wearing disguises

So either the girl is really shy or just weird.

I think this song is about a guy always picking out the same "type" of girl even though originally he thinks they're different from his ex-lover.

I think that he never really knew the girl at all. He just kind of fancied her, based on a chance meeting, or something. But then when he looks around for her, he thinks he sees her, but often doesn't. And he blames his incorrect identification on her, and not himself. Just how I've always seen it. Probably wrong, but that's my idea.

This is a guy who is telling a girl that he's completely forgotten about her and that he doesn't even recognize her anymore. Yet when he looks around in the crowd, he sees her everywhere. He thinks that she's wearing disguises to hide from him but the truth is that he's seeing her when she's not even there.