B Is for Bethlehem Lyrics

i think this song is about wanting to stop time. "To know now my only veins are your hands across my back where you're resting." the idea of something being motionless, but still there and very much alive in them.."I'm dying to try to stop the wind" "Jesus was a fisherman, fishing men from the devil hands, so the devil was made red to live a damned life." I think the person/thing that's gone in their life is what kept this person in check so to speak. "And the red in your face is touchable to the blues and the Muscles in a memory. Where I have lost my voice and I smell like paste again where we'll be resting, when we rest." Being voiceless and unable to move suggests death (smelling of paste). "My bends bend my anchor to pull people out of the bible to stand in the rain and be where b is for Bethlehem." I think this is about the taking away of the person/thing in your life that kept you stable (anchored you) and he's looking to the bible to see where "b is for bethlehem" and jesus is all that's left to help him because this person/thing is gone.
I could be wrong though. haha

Good song, Good lyrics, Good band. That pretty much sums it up!

I would really like for someone to explain this song. This song has more lyrics than most TPR songs, which tend to have one or two lines repeated. Sometimes it just seems like Davey just writes whatever pops in his head, regardless of it making sense or not. "Where I have lost my voice and I smell like paste again where we'll be resting, when we rest."

Maybe the paste thing has to do with sniffing glue haha

Yet another promise ring song with a montage of images which don't really work well together when read, but in the song seem to fit nicely.

I think this song may have to do with a funeral and the events surrounding it and the thoughts he has of it. I think he is kind of reflecting on what he heard maybe at the mass, and maybe trying to explain why he lost someone he cared for.

I think the only thing to take from the song is "Jesus was a fisherman", who writes lyrics like that? I'll tell ya who, The promise ring.

as much as i want it to be for christians i get the hint its against the bible.
to pull people out of the bible

"Where I have lost my voice and I smell like paste again where we'll be resting, when we rest."
Davey used to lose his voice all the time. He's referencing a specific geographic place.

there is actually a childrens book called B is For Bethlehem, it was published way before this song was written and I expect Davey got the idea for the song from it. I have also heard that the bit "my bends bend my anchor" is actually a misheard lyric and the real lyric is "my band defend my anger" but i don't know. These first two LPs were so good, shame they never made anything as good after. I suppose boys+girls is alright, I love the split with TITR most.