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Tenant Enemy #1 Lyrics

Well its always been about big
Money for them, they're greedy and they
Reek soaring profits, big gains,
The cash accumulation gains is all these
Cowards seek
And they always find a way to kick out the needy

Tenant enemy number one tenant enemy number one

Through excuses and blatant lies
Is how they operate and by continuing
A parade of deception the game just continues,
How in the name of decency do they sleep?


Just you better look out and watch your backs
3 Meanings
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I think there's a bit more to it than just greedy landlords. I'm pretty sure it's aimed more for fat cat CEOs who make their money off the sweat, blood, and broken bones of the common workers and fuck them over just to make money. It's pretty much a metaphor comparing CEOs to landlords and the workers to tenants. "They always find a way to kick out the needy," landlords kick out the person who is struggling to make rent on time, the CEO fires the worker who works too much over time to be able to afford to feed his/her family. Pretty straight forward.

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This song is about greedy landlords...obviously

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can't argue with that

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