17 Meanings
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Strawberry Lyrics

Never been here, never coming back
Never want to think about the things
That happened today
Want to lay down on
the warm ground
I think I'm going to need
A little time to myself
Don't fall down now
You will never get up
Don't fall down now

I ask you for a slow ride
Going nowhere
You look like Satan
You ask me if I want to get high
Couple of bags down in old town
You tie your arm and
Ask me if I wanted to drive

Don't fall down now
You will never get up
Don't fall down now

Last thing I recall
I was in the air
I woke up on the street
Crawling with my strawberry burns
Ten long years in a straight line
They fall like water
Yes, I guess I fucked up again

Don't fall down now
You will never get up
Don't fall down now
17 Meanings
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I think it's about Art relapsing into doing drugs, and how it was a huge mistake, and how hard it is to quit.

Don't fall down now, you will never get up. Is basically saying that if you go back into doing drugs, there's no way your gonna be able to resist and all that rehab was useless... it's a great song and whenever I think about using again I listen to it and it helps me not too.

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Oh yea, I guess there was a car accident in the song too and the "strawberry burns" is blood... I mean it's more of a story then a song, and thats what I love about Everclear, they tell these so true to life stories in ways that sound so wonderful when put to music...

"10 long years in a stright line, they fall like water... yea I guess I fucked up again". Man, hearing that from Art, and the passion he says it with in the song... I'm never gonna go back into using again.

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but did he relapse? i thought that he's been sober since he was 21 or 22 when he nearly died of that overdose...

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yeah, he jumped off a bridge when he was 22, and he heard his dead brother, george's voice telling him to swim for it. he never went back when he found out his wife was pregnant with his daughter, annabella.

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Art kept having a dream that he fell off the wagon and starting doing drugs again. He NEVER relapsed, but kept having this nightmare that he did. After he wrote the song, he stopped having them.

Yeah cos in the thick of his addiction he never once said...."that's it, I quit, that was my last shot".................. (Ahem) Bullshit!

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uh huh. i remember being really little and sitting in the car listening to this song. now that i can actually understand it, i like it a whole lot more. this song comes from art's experience (yet again) but everyone can learn from it. the message is plain and simple: DON'T DO DRUGS.

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didnt this have something to do with his brother dying or something..? and "10 long years in a stright line, they fall like water... yea I guess I fucked up again" is probably referring to the memory loss they say you get if your addicted to drugs.. like something like the years you were addicted and all the stuff learned then kinda fade once you get off drugs... or something like that

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well art lived in portland back in the day, old town is a well known drug infested area of portland. this song just seems to be him thinking about the drug problems he had and how he overcame them. it seems he's going back to an actual event that he went through. he's telling us that it's easy to get into drugs and become a junkie but you can choose not to be.

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i think strawberry burns are hit marks. all i want today is to go out and have a nice big shot but ive listened to this twice and if art can quit so can i. The line "u look like satan' really resonates with me, "yes i guess i fucked up again' means that even after 10 years it's still not safe to use, it's always a fuck up and you hate yourself for it

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The song sounds like an internal dialogue in Art's mind. He's a recovered drug addict that's fighting the urge to start using again. "don't fall down now, you will never get up" sounds like Art's conscience telling him not to go back. in the last verse, he relapses and realizes that despite 10 years of sobriety, he's back to square one. this is one of my all time favorite everclear songs and has the most powerful message delivered

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