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Boston Asphalt Lyrics

Searching for the best break the black forties could afford them
Came these ever-proud world-renowned rowdy, roving men
With a firmness and a purpose that so many did dismiss
Sailed these huddled human ballasts on their stinking coffin ships
From the prison of their lonely hearts they labored long and hard
Working 18+hour days for the B.A.C.

Intelligent, Respectable, But made of modest means
With an independent spirit, so full of hopes and dreams
Opportunity denied them in a doomed and starving land
Came these openhearted kindly spirits of a truly threatened man
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Cover art for Boston Asphalt lyrics by Dropkick Murphys

This song is about how Irish immigrants sailed to America and got jobs with the Boston Asphalt Company to make a living to support their families. This is one of my favorite songs on The Gang's All Here because the melody is so good.