9 Meanings
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Curse of a Fallen Soul Lyrics

Another wake, another time,
A premature goodbye.
I watched you grow and I seen you pass,
Always knew that it wouldn't last.
Together now we mourn the loss
And remember all the fun.
We'll drink the beer and we'll hang out where
Death took another son.
So all for one and one for all.
Do we ever wonder why?
Though the reason's clear, this friend so dear
Was taken before his time.

So may this round be on the corpse of a dead man
With a toast that tells of a love you never shared.
So, as we dance on the grave of the misbehaved,
Raise your glass and sing the praise of a fallen soul.

Now many bow their heads for this man they knew so well.
With solemn thoughts, they'll drink and drug for a resurrection.
Facing death, we fear no danger.
While mother's shed their tears through a veil of desperation,
These fiends of vicious breed raise holy hell.

So may this round be on the corpse of a dead man
With a toast that tells of a love you never shared.
So, as we dance on the grave of the misbehaved,
Raise your glass and sing the praise of a fallen soul.

How many times can fate be changed, the dice be rolled?
Is there no path of least resistance for the bold?
It's never sought and rarely taken.
Shocked and dismayed at how it stole his life
When this fateful course of action takes its toll.

So may this round be on the corpse of a dead man
With a toast that tells of a love you never shared.
So, as we dance on the grave of the misbehaved,
Raise your glass and sing the praise of a fallen soul.

So may this round be on the corpse of a dead man
With a toast that tells of a love you never shared.
So, as we dance on the grave of the misbehaved,
Raise your glass and sing the praise of a fallen soul.

Now let's all gather 'round in our costume suit and ties
Telling how this soul was a source of inspiration.
Love him now, he lives no longer.
But you never tell the tales of the times you turned your back
On this friend who never found his rightful path.

So may this round be on the corpse of a dead man
With a toast that tells of a love you never shared.
So, as we dance on the grave of the misbehaved,
Raise your glass and sing the praise of a fallen soul.
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9 Meanings

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Cover art for Curse of a Fallen Soul lyrics by Dropkick Murphys

when friends die....

Cover art for Curse of a Fallen Soul lyrics by Dropkick Murphys

this is the best DKM song in my opinion....Raise your glass! And sing the praise of a fallen soul.

Cover art for Curse of a Fallen Soul lyrics by Dropkick Murphys

yes this is one of the first of their songs i heard, and i still love it, just a great, jumping around type song..wahoo

Cover art for Curse of a Fallen Soul lyrics by Dropkick Murphys

Yeah, this song is about losing a friend to alcohol or drugs and then everyone just mourns and then goes back to drinking their beer and living there life like they always did before the person's death.

Cover art for Curse of a Fallen Soul lyrics by Dropkick Murphys

Love this song..It's lyrics and rythm and everything about it.

Cover art for Curse of a Fallen Soul lyrics by Dropkick Murphys

It's just about untimely death...there's nothing in the song that even alludes to the death being related to drugs or alcohol.

Cover art for Curse of a Fallen Soul lyrics by Dropkick Murphys

i had a friend who died last year and everytime i hear this song i cry because it makes me think of him. also one of the first murphys songs i heard. and the person who left a message before me is right it doesnt even mentiont hat this person died due to drugs and alcohol. and it certainly doesnt say that they go back to just drinking beer and living life as it is after their death. if anyhtin it says that they remember them by drinking. seen the murphys 7 times now and they get better every time.

Cover art for Curse of a Fallen Soul lyrics by Dropkick Murphys

I did a presentation on this song for my English class a few years ago and this is what I got.

"So may this round be on the corpse of a dead man." Literal meaning- Round of drinks on his corpse. Non-literal- A toast to him for his life.

"These fiends of vicious breed raise holy hell." Literal meaning- the little devils are causing a lot of trouble. Non-literal meaning- the person's friends are mourning through the means of sin.

"Love him now he lives no longer" -It's a huge contradiction to the third stanza "this friend so dear..."

"But you never tell the tales [...] On this friend who never found his..." They aren't mentioning the things they did (or didn't do) that caused him to become a "fallen soul." (2nd stanza, last line)

This song is basically about how friends can be superficial by pretending that they care when they are around other people, but when they are alone, they don't care.

Cover art for Curse of a Fallen Soul lyrics by Dropkick Murphys

JewelBlueIbanez got it totally wrong. They do care about their friend, they just aren't going to let their his death get in the way of life. It's less about mourning and being solemn ("While Mothers shed their tears through a vail of desperation...") and more about celebrating the time they had with him by doing what they did best together: Drink and have a good time ("...these fiends of a vicious breed raise holy hell"). "These fiends" refers to the singer and his friends.

The chorus is in regards to the unspoken love men share between one another. No guy ever says they love another guy, it's an unspoken kinship ("...with a toast that tells of a love you never shared"). When they talk about "may this round be on the corpse of a dead man" they're saying that the dead guy is going to pay for their drinks, because they know the dead guy isn't going to protest. It's a joke.

I hope my brothers play this song at my death and mosh on my grave.