The New American Way Lyrics
I know I'll win my battles though I fear we'll lose the war to the new American way.

no it's not about what's happening on a grand scale- it's about kids today and their refusal to stand up for themselves. it's not about racial tolerance at all. it's about not letting people walk all over you and run their mouths without doing something about it.

I think this song is about the downhill slide that can be seen in the youth of America. This song seems to contrast sharply with their song "Going Strong" which was released just a few years earlier.

i agree and this is one of the best songs on slsp. its just so true. its just about how americans are loosing their values, and everything is getting shittier and shittier.

The idea I got for this song comes from the album art and from the title. I see it as how we have gotten so liberal with our punishment of crimes that people are literaly getting away with murder just because they are part of a minority and the police cant do anything about it or they could endanger their own job. Because of the way things are headed, there wont be any justice for the people hurt by crime and the criminals will keep commiting the crimes.

68% of US prisoners are minorities, I don't think there's a problem locking up people because they are part of some minority.
honestly, I don't know what to think of this song. If it is satirical, I missed it. If it's not, I can't really get behind a song that things "tolerance" and "kindness" are things to look down upon.
Yeah, a few years later... What this is talking about when they complain about is not real tolerance, but the new-age "tolerance" that is shoved down people's throats by so-called "enlightened liberals" who believe that everything is permissible and that it is wrong to tell someone that they are wrong. (Contradiction alert!) The difference between real and modern "tolerance" is simple: real tolerance is saying, "Ok, you are different and I disagree with you, but I will not disrespect you because I believe you are wrong." Modern "tolerance" is where you, as previously stated, must never...
Yeah, a few years later... What this is talking about when they complain about is not real tolerance, but the new-age "tolerance" that is shoved down people's throats by so-called "enlightened liberals" who believe that everything is permissible and that it is wrong to tell someone that they are wrong. (Contradiction alert!) The difference between real and modern "tolerance" is simple: real tolerance is saying, "Ok, you are different and I disagree with you, but I will not disrespect you because I believe you are wrong." Modern "tolerance" is where you, as previously stated, must never tell someone they are wrong, because you might hurt their pwecious, wittle feewings (baby talk for "precious, little feelings). As to the "kinder, gentler way" that they refer to, it is the attempt by society at large to take the masculinity out of men and turn them into gender-neutral "people" at best. This is especially noticeable with the rise of the "metrosexual" culture where men are acting more feminine and are, across the board, losing the drive and ability to stand up and be men. Men are supposed to be aggressive and combative but also able to control those drives, unleashing them only when necessary. Without men who know how to be men, you can see the state of the modern American "family" and the extreme rise of dysfunctionality in families and youth. Ask any psychologist you can find, a child will always be at least slightly mal-adapted if they grow up in a single-parent home. The "old" (read: original) American Way was self-reliance, self-determination, and perseverance in the face of adversity. The "new" American Way is being a passive push-over, all-excepting, spineless person who stands up for nothing and looks to someone else to solve his problems. These things are all offensive, especially to the fiercely independent Irish culture which still lives strongly in these men and Irish-rooted communities. Hopefully, we can spread the better way back to dominance in this country and make it as great as it once was.
Yeah, and this interpretation is the reason they never play this song anymore (and probably why it was rarely played it to begin with).
Yeah, and this interpretation is the reason they never play this song anymore (and probably why it was rarely played it to begin with).
I wanted to address primarily your discussion about masculine dominance. By your whole "live and let live model" what's wrong with being a metro-sexual? Or what's wrong being a dominant female?
I wanted to address primarily your discussion about masculine dominance. By your whole "live and let live model" what's wrong with being a metro-sexual? Or what's wrong being a dominant female?
Just because someone refuses to embrace stereotypical masculinity that demands that you be macho and tough and "dominant", does that mean you are a "passive push-over" that is tearing apart the fabric of American family values? Give me a break....
Just because someone refuses to embrace stereotypical masculinity that demands that you be macho and tough and "dominant", does that mean you are a "passive push-over" that is tearing apart the fabric of American family values? Give me a break.
(And if we're gonna talk about single parent homes being "mal adaptive", you probably have to talk about poverty, and the million other issues involved)
I any case, it's one thing to tell people their wrong about their IDEAS, but why does a different lifestyle mean it's wrong.
Sports are a bore, war is stupid, I don't like meat, and me and my girlfriend split the bill cause she's just as entitled to as I am. Am I tearing apart America?

nicksquires you got it right on that one, looking at american culture as a whole and how it's been tainted by so many things it's gotten hard to keep track of it. from the pop culture that's exposing our youth to so many negative influences we've tried for ages to protect them from, i could sit here for hours and ramble on about the youth today if i had an old man's free time. how'd i get so danm old at 25???