Nothing From Something Lyrics
They never seem to let it be
It seems like everything I say just starts another fight
The pressure's building up inside
I gotta let it out tonight
Shattered glass will cure my ills and make me feel alright
And never stop running
Making nothing from something
Making nothing from something
It's mindless, but I don't care
'Cause no matter what I say
I'm in another fight
Take more shit, I've had enough
Tonight I'm gonna rip it up
Broken windows cure my ills and make me feel alright

This is actually my favorite song by The Offspring and I'm surprised no one has posted on it until now. I often feel stressed out and worried, and even though people dont like it, doing things like breaking stuff makes me feel better. Not like that crappy ass song by Limp Bizkit, though. Nuh Uh, no way....
@blinkbomber I agree, plus the chorus riff is infectious
@blinkbomber I agree, plus the chorus riff is infectious

What the fuck is that sound at the end? It sounds like a bong hit, but I could just listen to too much Alice in Chains...

More antisocial mayhem by the Offspring.

ALL TIME FAV. OFFSPRING SONG - "Cut me for a lion's share" my fav. line - and yo sometimes antisocial music is good, serves as an outlet from doing the real thing

Thank you Aeetos.
I hate when people blame this music for influencing anger/hate-filled mayhem, when it is mainly used for express anger, and hate, and not used as a theme song for violence and whatnots.

You know... as far as meaning goes, I always considered this to be a song about cutting. Look at the lyrics: you have "cut me for a lion's share" and also the references to sharp objects that would inevitably hurt a person ("shattered glass;" "broken windows")
Now... it seems to me that it's a song about breaking things in anger or frustration. It's an outlet, of sorts. I don't know...

It sounds to me like a dude/girl who's had enough of whatever crap he's/she's had in his/her life that's bugging him/her and it seems like it's just not ending and he/she is gonna do something about it whether through violence, drinking, self mutilation (cutting or other things), or suicide. Either way, they're tired of it and they're not gonna go out and face it head on ("never stop running"). It's a sad song that has all too much basis in reality. I've known several people who have decided to cut themselves including my sister, and at one time I was hitting myself with hammers (I decided that scars and scabs were too obvious, body pain could be anything, not necciarily self-harm. Logic of a depressed person). It doesn't really cause anything bad, this music, it simply tells a story of misfortune. No more evil than Dateline NBC.