32 Meanings
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Spy Hunter Lyrics

Pawns standing in awe
Of The game
Of the stage
You've worked so hard to build an empire
Of secret rooms to display yourself
And add to your wealth
The sting of...
Oh, it stings
When I saw it all come crashing
I witnessed the sound of a million voices
Screaming for a public hanging

So hide yourself for now...

When the world's a target
For humanity's market
And all of it's sold for a dime
I've seen the towers of gods
And the power of men
In disguises of the worst kind
I am the words on the page
I am the death among life today
I am the voice of one among the silent
Who's tired of burning among the flames

So hide yourself for now...
But we caught you plotting murder
And now the tide is turning
We'll light our souls
We'll heat our bones
Upon your empire burning

I do not need any more truthless heroes.
32 Meanings
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I think there is a very strong reason why Spy Hunters video is continued in the video to My Will Be A Deadman because they both represent the corruption of humanity that comes through the sins commited by those with power and the trust of others.

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These guys are so awesome, my Favoritism has faded for them...but when this cd comes out i will pee my pants!Im gonna see them this wed...wish me a good concert!

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this song is so rediculous, its just got so much power... i really like how it sounds, it'd be so sweet to see this live.

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Great Song....The song could have more than one meaning to it, I believe. However, the main one that sticks to me is just in a literal sense. Like a powerful/wealthy hero to some people, such as Hugh Hefner being caught by the CIA/police/etc. Truely, "We dont need any more truthless heroes". ***Please post another interpretation of the song if anyone has one, for thats the main purpose of the site. Thanks.

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I was wondering if anyone had a clue about the meaning behind the music video... It just confused me more!?!?!?

Yeah, the music video is kinda bizzare.

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Im not completly sure what this song means, but I think denmil24 comes the closest. Basically I think there talking about posers. Since this band is Christian, I take it that it implies people who might pretend to be good, honest, (etc.) in front of one group of people, but then act totally different in front of another group. "So hide yourself for now.... but we caught you plotting murder..." basically says that someone can fool us for now, but God sees all and eventually that person is gonna be discovered. Empires will fall and secrets will be revealed. This song is awesome and the video is even cooler. I love videos that kinda keep you guessing how it relates to the song. As far as I can tell the song and the video basically have to do with the stuff I just wrote. If you havent seen the video yet, check it out at steelroots.tv they got a lot of other cool rock videos too.

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awesome song

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This sounds more of a song about Truthless Heroes. he knows about what they are doing--adding to their wealth and their disguises, lying lying lying to us, etc... hence "we caught you plotting murder." We know what you are doing in reality and we will not be fooled anymore. "I am the words on the page i am the death among life today i am the voice of one among the silent who's tired of burning among the flames." He is not going to be silent about it like everyone else is. If you are confused about truthless heroes go to the website truthlessheroes.com and that will help. Oh and watch Fahrenheit 911 starring some of your favorite truthless heroes. Oh and remember at the end of the song he screams "I NEED TRUTH!"

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one more thing... on the breatheanew.tk website it says andrew wrote this when a friend of his was molested by a pastor or something like that. Anyways, the pastor was a truthless hero if you get the drift.

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I heard this song was about when Andrew was in another band and the other members tried to kill him.

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