21 Meanings
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La Familia Lyrics

hey good friends dont ya think you better cool it down?
youre always gettin curious and leaving town
you know i like it being in your family
wonder what would happen if nobody left
wed all stick around, if wed all stick around
and heres a question thats been tested

tell me if we sleep together would it make it any better?
if we sleep together would you be my friend forever?
if we sleep together would it make it any better?
if we sleep together would you be my friend?

hey good friend, listen up, theyre playing our song
on the radio, do you have to go?
i really like it, this rock and roll
makes me want a little sugar in my bowl
its like the glory days, its like a fortune sold
and heres a question thats been tested

tell me if we sleep together would it make it any better?
if we sleep together would you be my friend forever?
if we sleep together would it make it any better?
if we sleep together would you be my friend?

lets none of us forget about who we are
so choose a path and follow it
take a pill and swallow it
none of us forget about who we are
its not forever we can fool around in the dark

if we sleep together would it make it any better?
if we sleep together would you be my friend forever?
if we sleep together would it make it any better?
if we sleep together would you be my friend
forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever
21 Meanings
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I love this song. I don't think this song is about incest at all, so I think a lot of us agree XD. But I think theres a lotta nuance! So I wrote an interpretation!

The narrator might have a fear of abandonment, clinging to her new "family" shes been introduced to, as long as she can. She tries to convince them (the person who introduced her to them) to stay for as long as she can. Yet they continue to drift away from her.

The chorus reminds me of when someone only become friends with a person with the intent to date them, or to get something out of the friendship. (It may not be that, it may be that they just want to leave the friendship.)

But since she has a fear of abandonment she uses her sexuality to keep them with her. trying to carve a place for herself in their memories, using things like 'their song' and their 'glory days'.

I think shes triyng to subvert them when she says, "It's not forever we can fool around in the dark" I believe she fully intends for it to be forever. The family symbolism is being used to make it even more uncomfortable for the listener because its uncomfortable for herself! shes using any excuse to make this relationship (platonic or romantic doesnt matter) last forever!

It's a bit sad! but i relate!!!! dont worry im in therapy.

My Interpretation
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so sad.. but too beautiful.

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goooooood i love this song

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i love how her voice sounds so sweet and innocent, but 75% of her songs are about sex.

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somehow it resonates. "and here's a question that's been tested" hehe. too true. not only do i love the innocense, beauty and of course pain. i've always especially love "let's none of us forget about who we are." this song ultimately makes me think of not letting go--holding on. pritty much

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When you're listening to her songs, you sit there thinking how totally sweet they are, once the song has finished you're like "Aww, how cu... ZOMGZ!11!!! d4t W0z aB0uT s3xEs!!1 :O".

She's awesome.

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um... guys... isnt this one more along the lines of incest... ? "you know i like it being in your family" "its not forever we can fool around in the dark" def. incest. :D

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I love this song, and def agree with the whole incest idea come on the whole family thing, fooling in the dark and "lets none of us forget about who we are" sounds pretty straight forward to me... either that or a really close friend "if we sleep together would you be my friend forever?" and the whole being in your family thing applies when you are close to someone that someone is like your family (obviously not blood related)

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I don't think it's about incest, but about feeling so close to someone that they're like your family. I think that this person is afraid of losing this friend and thinks that maybe if they sleep together, this friend won't be lost.

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I disagree that this is about incest. When i hear the line "You know i like it, being in your family," i think of inlaws- you know, being close with your boyfriend or girlfriend's family, not necessarily blood relations.

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