3 Meanings
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Role Down Tha Hill!!! Lyrics

One day as i walked out of tha lunch room
i lookoed up on tha hill
and what did i see
a big fat ugly girl
rollin down tha hill

she roles
gets grass in her hair
she roles
gets grass inher hair

later on i feel bad
i laughed at her...
i laughed at her...

but its understandable
she looked like a fuckin idiot

she roles
she gets grass in her hair
she roles
seh gets grass in her hair...

some peopel are stupid
and need help
hmm hmm no names
3 Meanings
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By the way, this is a true story!!

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LOL and to think you never would of wrote this song if it wasnt for me.... CooLWhiP2231: tha ones who lay on top of tha hill and role down it at lunch!! CooLWhiP2231: its fuckin hilarious watchin em NOFXJuggaloGirgo: ROFLMFAO!!!!!!! CooLWhiP2231: im sriosui they role donw tha hill CooLWhiP2231: not even joking CooLWhiP2231: its hilarious NOFXJuggaloGirgo: wtf! NOFXJuggaloGirgo: roflmfao NOFXJuggaloGirgo: thats hilarious CooLWhiP2231: lol its funny huh CooLWhiP2231: i can tstop laughin CooLWhiP2231: immma write a song botu her

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