2 Meanings
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House Full Of Garbage Lyrics

Imagine a man so tall -
back on the ceiling, he stooped over a man to get in his house.
Imagine so proud -
Build a monument to himself:
A mountain of garbage,
In his house.

Passed a boy asleep in a tent outside...
Imagine his wife asleep in they bed...
The times they make love in a...
With the doodoo and the feces on the wall.

Imagine a man so tall -
Back on the ceiling, he stooped over a man to get in his house.
Imagine a man so proud -
Build a monument to himself:
A mountain of garbage,
In his house.
Song Info
Submitted by
mopnugget On May 27, 2002
2 Meanings
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I'm thinking this song is about an obsessive compulsive pack rat guy. The kind of guy they have on the dr.phil show, where the house is so full of clutter that the guys family has to live in a winnebago. They usually own a lot of cats, which might explain the "doo doo and feces".

My Interpretation
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Genesis chapter two and three..on. The revered solo credited divine creator walking through "his garden" to find his live creation in fear of their nakedness under subjugation.
Beyond context, a personal anecdote of the indie marketing experience.

My Interpretation
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