15 Meanings
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St. Augustine Lyrics

God is light
Light is good
God is good

There's a bag lady siften through trash in my neighborhood
Asked for a light, ya know I understood

God is light
Light is good
God is good

Where you gonna run when they come for you?

Have you heard about the infant born with a handgun
Shot his twin brother coming out now he's an only son
He's a good boy, wait and see
We'll rehabilitate him one-two-three

God is light
Light is good
God is good

Where you gonna run when they come for you?
They'll hear you playing your guitar

Hey Saint Augustine
There's a flaw you see
You've reasoned quite

God is light
Light is good
God is good

Where you gonna run when they come for you?
They'll hear you playing your guitar

God is light
Light is good
God is good

Where you gonna run when they come for you?
Where you gonna run when they come for you?
Where you gonna run when they come for you?
Song Info
Submitted by
mrtrout On May 26, 2002
15 Meanings
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nobody comments on moe, huh?? Well I love this song.. its one of the songs that got me hooked. First I just liked the sound of it, now I like (and understand) the lyrics

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yeah...me too..i love this song and it was the first one i heard when i was at a get together where the majority of people were stoned and drunk....but they knew good music so that was tight.. mollyc

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yeah...me too..i love this song and it was the first one i heard when i was at a get together where the majority of people were stoned and drunk....but they knew good music so that was tight.. mollyc

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so what does it mean?

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There's a lot of different things this song could mean. Personally, I have no idea what it means, but I'll throw out some ideas.

Perhaps Rob is questioning the good attributes of light. By bringing light to the bag lady, he is allowing us to see the ugly state she is. Perhaps the bag lady is asking for god when she asks for a light.

I'm not too knowledgeable of St. Augustine's works, but I think he held strong beliefs in the new life that arises upon converting to Christianity. This relates to verse about the infant born with a handgun.

I'm not sure exactly how critical of St. Augustine's doctrine Rob actually is in this song. Enjoy it.

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I cant believe they have this little moe. on here. They are easily the greatest band ever. I have been listening to moe since like 94 and they are crazy. Moe. down this fall was crazy too. I recommend going to that next year if you like moe. 4 sets in 3 days. you cant go wrong, plus its only a 100 bucks if you buy the ticket at the door. Not to mention the other bands that play are awesome too. as for the meaning, personally, i feel it is rob coming to an understanding of life. "ya know i understood" and he knows that you cant run from life because its always with you. "where you gonna run when they come for you.

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Saint Augustine maintained that all of God's works are good, and that evil exists because of the liberty of man.

Mathematically, if a=b and b=c then a=c.

At first glance, the lyrics of this song would suggest that either God isn't light or that light isn't good, and therefore God isn't good.

But both are relative because "good" is a relative term. Light is good for sunflowers but bad for cave-dwelling salamanders. To argue whether or not God is light is much more abstract, but it remains relative. Thus, one cannot conclude that either statement is positively false.

The first two verses describe evil: poverty and murder. They also present glib solutions (smoking and rehabilitation.) I agree with the previous poster that on a deeper level, the bag-lady asking for a light could be a double-entre, her asking for God.

"Where are you gonna run when they come for you?" is a rather ominous and perplexing refrain. Since Saint Augustine was not a martyr, I believe this is more of a first-person type of question. The first-person perspective is reinforced by the musician himself singing, "They'll hear you playing your guitar."

But who are they, and why are they coming for you?

I see this coming back to logic. The possibilities remaining are that God is good for other reasons (i.e., not because light is good), God is not good, or that God doesn't exist. I don't read anything in the lyrics that suggest that God is good for other reasons.

So, to me, basically this song is saying that you're screwed because God is either not good or doesn't exist.

If you don't pay attention to the lyrics, it's an otherwise upbeat and catchy tune.

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This isnt the song that got me hooked on moe (that was NYC), but it is one of my favorites, only led by Timmy Tucker, Spaz medicine and the ghost of ralphs mom.... MOE IS FUCKIN AWESOME

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you need to look up the definition of deductive reasoning, mwittin.

God is light. Light is good. Therefore, God is good.

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almost can't believe i'm doing this...

but its about making irrational connections with irrational ideas.

clearly the woman is asking for a light. not for god. shes hungry for food, money etc. god is the last thing on her mind. the point is, do not make a connection between someone digging through the trash looking for food and someone looking for god. there isnt one. so stoppit.

the dead giveaway....

"Hey Saint Augustine There's a flaw you see You've reasoned quite Illogically"

illogical ideas. illogical connections.

in response to kaciii, i can see where you are coming from. but why is it that the woman cannot be asking for god. i think this is a very plausible interpretation. she hungry, homeless and desperate. do people not turn to god in times of desperation?? i'm not saying she IS asking for god, but don't presume to be so omniscient as to say she is NOT asking for god.

some other food for thought. st augustine the man was a theologian who created the framework for just war. he stated that a war could be just...

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