9 Meanings
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Buster Lyrics

Buster looked out of his window
He pointed up to the sky
They say pigs see the wind blow
They say do or die
Just between you and me my friend
He had a rotten twin who's evil knew no end
Was the runt from a litter of two
Hey now Buster, what you gonna do?

Pig can fly
Pig can fly
Pig can fly
Pig can fly

He was a swine who wore fancy clothes
Referred to his snout as a nose
Preferred the company of snakes and bees
Drank cognac and ate Gouda cheese
Now Buster he was much bigger than that
All fresh, fly, dope, and fat
Had a dream he could fly like a bird
Up so high not an oink could be heard

Pig can fly
Pig can fly
Pig can fly
Pig can fly

Well the swine changed his name to Link
His gears cranked, sputtered, and spewed forth hate
Had a plan with a rotten stink:
Convince Buster he could aviate
9 Meanings
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i wish someone had a good explanation for this song. i love it. the flying pig thing is definetly a take from Pink Floyd (but who knows where they got it.)

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so, i've been thinkin about it. and at first i thought this was sorta the opposite idea of pink floyd's pig songs on animals, because Buster is a good pig. and pink floyd's pigs are, well, fuckin pigs. the pigs that work for the man. but the part of this song about Buster's evil twin reminds me very much of pink floyd's "Pigs (3 different ones)." and the evil twin has a plan to pull his brother Buster into his rotten plans. but the plan to "convince buster he could aviate" sorta confuses me, cuz, can Buster fly, or does he just think he can cuz his evil twin told him so? or, is the evil plan to use Busters flying skills (girls like pigs with skills!) for evil? when i see the word "aviate" it makes me think of war. but technically its just another word for fly. i wish someone else had ideas posted here. i feel idiotic posting by myself, heh.

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Hey, angelrenegade, I'd like to help you out, but I have no idea what the hell this song is really about. All I know is that when the opening baseline of Buster hit's me in the middle of a show, I get really happy and prepare to dance my ass off.

moe.'s lyrics tend toward the goofy, indeciferable side, especially Rob's lyrics (Rebubula, Tambourine...). I appreciate that three of the members write lyrics and sing, but at the end of the day, they're not the Grateful Dead (who hired lyricists) or Railroad Earth (who just write great songs). They're moe. and they're one of the best touring bands out there right now, not because of their lyrics, but because of the sheer instrumental prowess, telepathic playing, and grooviness that goes on and on.

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I like the Pink Floyd idea, but what comes to my mind is the book Animal Farm. For those unfamiliar, it is about a group of farm animals who overtake the farm, led by two pigs who are brothers. One pig, the "evil twin" turns against his brother and convinces the others to follow him through his propaganda. The entire book is an allegory for Soviet Communism, and although there is no flying involved, what is interesting is how the evil twin pig who is in charge slowly begins to adopt the habits of humans.... wearing clothes, drinking alcohol, etc. Sound familiar?

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i think its about the two pigs are twins one is smaller and pissed at the bigger one aka buster and trys to kill him by making buster beleive that he can fly and have him jump out a high window

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To me this song has not much to do with Floyd's pigs (only Link is similar) and is all polarity. Alchemy. It actually explains what is going on in my life and is therefore a motivating song. I can only say what it means to me, and that is that Buster and Link are the same blood if not the same Pig, it never says that they are siblings "but an evil twin"
and can represent different aspects YOUR OWN personality if you will. and Buster is the side that believes that he can achieve his dreams. "They say pigs see the wind blow, They say do or die" Link on the other hand just cranks out his job in a suit, hangs with high society Bees, eats gouda. Convincing Buster-types that they cant fly- and they are something they are not, "Referred to his snout as a nose" "Pigs can fly" is repeated 4x for a reason and is the metaphor the impossible- But also: A rotten stink to a pig is not a bad thing! And while Link is an asshole to make his life better he needs to change and follow his dreams, so he convinces Buster to Fly That is the only explaination for the flip flop at the end. It would make too much sence if it said, "Buster can't aviate". So here I sit at a computer programmers desk dreaming of Moe.'s buster and the time I danced by the speaker at the 6-23-07 show to Buster, wishing I was a musician. Pigs can Fly.

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the pig reference originated from george orwell and has become a symbol in western culture of class struggle. they didn't steal it from floyd, since floyd also "stole" it as well.

i like this song because it's really open to interpretation. they were vague enough, funny enough, and serious enough. a really good set of moe lyrics.

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i remember TRIPPINGFACE @ the 2001 moe.down and wandering about while moe. played the soundtrack to my evening...whilst roaming around i heard a voice come out of the ether and complain that "these tunes are too long and there aren't enough lyrics" to which i replied, as kindly as possible, "if you wanna hear lyrics, go to a fucking poetry reading"...13 years later, and i still stand by that psychotropic advice

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Ain't nothin' like ''Buster" jam that makes everything feel like perfection.

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