The Girl With April In Her Eyes Lyrics

There once was a king, who called for the spring,
For his world was still covered in snow,
But the spring had not been, for he was wicked and mean,
In his winter-fields nothing would grow;
And when a traveller called seeking help at the door,
Only food and a bed for the night,
He ordered his slave to turn her away,
The girl with April in her eyes...
Oh, on and on she goes,
Through the winter's night, the wild wind and the snow,
Hi, on and on she rides,
Someone help the girl with April in her eyes... She rode through the night till she came to the light,
Of a humble man's home in the woods,
He brought her inside, by the firelight she died,
And he buried her gently and good;
Oh the morning was bright, all the world was snow-white,
But when he came to the place where she lay,
His field was ablaze with flowers on the grave,
Of the girl with April in her eyes...
Oh, on and on she goes,
Through the winter's night, the wild wind and the snow,
Hi, on and on she flies,
She is gone, the girl with April in her eyes...
8 Meanings
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You like chris de Burgh!

And you admit it.

And you can't spell you.

And it appears that a sense of humour has sadly eluded you. (but aparently you do "hgave shit hole")

See ya!

In fact... GOD BYE! (What ever that means).

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i had never heard of chris de burgh before this, but i am thankful i saw these comments.

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Why thank you, (), I hope it inspires you to listen to some of the greatest and most beautiful druidian meglomaniac music ever written.

If you like Warhammer and the paintings of the pre-raphelite school, then I am sure you will love this.

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yeah, why not. i like War and mc hammer, and the druids have done a lot for my country.

sounds interesting.

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MC Hammer, now there's a man who knows his own trousers.

I wonder if any of his lyrics are on here..not that I'm sure there is any deep and hidden meanings in them....

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well, that's not entirely true. i'm not a big fan of him, but i read somewhere he released an album written in a complete stream of consciousness after being inspired by reading the diary of anne frank. i heard it's the most heartwrenching 40 minutes of hammer's work and even hip hop altogether.

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This is the tale about Chris in his crazy, psychadelic uni days.

The "snow" refers Chris' burgeoning cocaine problem. He refused to share his huge stash with the other students wheo became resentful. As a prankl, one of the female students pretended to faint outside of Chris' door, knowing that hewould not be able to resist the lure of a young maiden who could not put up a fight.

Sure enough he winched her into his room (he is only 3'2"), and went off to get some robes and a pointy hat to "bedeck" his lady in.

When he left the room, the girl went over to his table, piled high with columbia's finest. As not to damage the varnish on his priceless antique bureau desk, he had been doing his lines on a clander, decorated with pre raphelite woman (obviously). So the girl bent over to suck some of his stsh up, when chris came back into the room, and she jumped, causing the calender to become lodged in her eye.

Chris then took advantage of the situation and chained her up in his student dungeon, and made her his bride.

They are still together till this very day.....

                                                  The End
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your'e a fuck wad have you ever seen him live??? You're a fuck bag...i hgave shit hole, and he's not 3 foot 2 you're a shit head and he's taller than your ass you shit! and the song means ...well it's about a girl that brings beauty to the world UNLIKE YHOUU!!!!! and....when she dies, it still shows how cruel a king orYOU could be when you donn't offer someone help when they need it. GOD BYE.

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