11 Meanings
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Blizza Lyrics

(talking~like at a coffee house~)

suckers step up, they want to cause friction

(and then some clapping at the end and talking /hollering)
11 Meanings
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Why write this down if it's just a coffee bar song?

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because its a good song that should recieve some attention

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because 311 WROTE IT!!!!

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does any one kno the piano notes for that song can you tell me them if you thanks if you can

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i beleive taborama.com has keyboard or something like that...ull hafta doubvle chjeck that...

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there are lyrics for this song... theres a vocal sample of 'suckas step up, they want to cause friction'. in fact i think it's repeated about 10 times, you can't miss it unless you're deaf.

and it's bad form to throw personal comments into the lyric box. if you want to say 'just awesome music' leave a comment.

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you've got the wrong song, the lyrics in your comment are from "Strangers", on 311's Transistor

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ohhh i c what youre saying, nevermind

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yeah, a sample from 'strangers'. i didn't mean to sound like a jerk with that last comment, i was pissed off about something else at the time.

if you haven't checked it out yet, 311heaven.com has a new version of 'blizza', it sounds a little cleaner than the last one. it's under Audio --> B-Sides

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"Blizza" is a funky little instrumental keyboard jam from their Soundsystem demos. I love this song! No real lyrics here, but there is SA playing a sample from their previous album Transistor. Isn't it kind of funny that SA sampled from other people on Transistor and sampled from Transistor on Soundsystem? Hehe.

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