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Cornerstore Lyrics

They moved down into town
Not to be forgotten
To stay around
The jasmine's sweet
The air is complete now

They set up a cornerstore
To try and make their lives
A little more
Their girl was blind
But she saw more
Than you or me will ever see

You are the sun
I wanna see everything
I will not run
I wanna be everything in you

They sold bait and fishing string
And groceries and things
Everbodies needs
The jasmine's sweet
The air is complete she said
But lately at the cornerstore
I try and make my life a little more
I hang around to see her
A little more

You are the sun
I wanna see everything
I will not run
I wanna be everything in you

They moved down into town
Not to be forgotten
To stay around
The jasmine's sweet
The air is complete she said
But lately at the cornerstore
We try to make our lives
A little more
I hang around
Just a little more
Song Info
Submitted by
tracie On May 26, 2002
1 Meaning
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I love this song...one of Dogstar's best...Bret can sure write those lyrics! Not sure if this song should be taken for face value of a family with a blind daughter moving into town and setting up a store and teaching the "narrator" things that he could've never learned on his own or from a person that could see...he needed his eyes opened by a blind person...or if it's meant in a deeper way...not sure...help! :)

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