8 Meanings
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Butterflies Lyrics

I spied a green light from my roommate’s view,
so little light in wintertime.
I crossed the street that you crossed too,
but I still won’t cross the line.

It’s not as easy as it seems,
to do what you think is right.
Am I still in your dreams,
or was it just that night?
I searched my room for a souvenir;
so little of you I posses.
Did not know how to take your remarks,
but I took them none the less.

It’s not as easy as it seems.
There’s nothing with you in the dark,
am I still in your dreams or was it just a lark?
I haven’t seen you in a week or two,
I’ve used caffeine as a crutch.
You gave me an invitation once.
What gives you butterflies don’t give you much.
What gives you butterflies?
8 Meanings
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this song is beautiful.

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Alright lets see. I'll start by saying that this song I can completly relate to, but you dont care so i'll leave it at that. Okay well here we go...

'so little light in wintertime' I think that means that there isn't all that much happiness in winter, and that goes along with the dark of nature.

'I crossed the street that you crossed too, but I still won’t cross the line.' This could mean two things... 1:It's pretty straight forward and simply means they're somewhere that they were with someone else that they're remembering and they don't want to go too far... 2:That they are going through something similar to what someone else went through but they're not going to make the same mistake that person made...

'It’s not as easy as it seems, to do what you think is right.' Sounds like some pressure there, someone telling them what they should do, and they want to but it's really hard for them.

'Am I still in your dreams, or was it just that night?' This probably means that for one night this person loved them or supposivly did and then it just stopped and they're wondering if there are still any feelings...

'I searched my room for a souvenir; so little of you I posses.' The relationship was so short that there are only a few things to remember from it.

'Did not know how to take your remarks, but I took them none the less.' Even though the person hurt them they found a way to take it in and tried to hold out the pain.

'I haven’t seen you in a week or two, I’ve used caffeine as a crutch.' Kind of like trying to stay up so they dont dream about the person or they're trying to stay awake in case the person calls or comes over...

'You gave me an invitation once.' Saying that someone led them on and they stayed hooked...

'What gives you butterflies don’t give you much.' Saying that it's not a big deal that someone can give the person butterflies they cant give them love.......

'What gives you butterflies?' But then they want to give the person butterflies too...and they want to know what they have to do to make the person happy.

Could be a load of shit to you but eh, thats what i got out of it.

Messege me up. An Angry Apple <-- Screenname

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This is my favorite Dres song. I met James before the concert in Athens. He stood outside in line with my friend and I and asked us if we had any requests, and I requested this one. When they played it, it was awesome.

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hm this song for some reason really reminds me of the great gatsby.

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great song.. dres is great.

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yuh huh.

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I like Fiveline's interpretation...except: "'It’s not as easy as it seems, to do what you think is right.'" ...I kind of interpret that as, specifically regarding the situation he's talking about, the right thing to do might be to try to move on and forget about their encounter(s) since the other person is showing little interest...but that's easier said than done.

Anyway, I really relate to this song, and basically adore this band...Especially good news is that they're still alive and kicking, even writing some new stuff.

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i could've written this song. but i suppose a lot of people go through the same thing.

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