Give me some sugar, little honey bee
Don't be afraid, not gonna hurt you
I wouldn't hurt my little honey bee
Don't say nothin' little honey bee
Don't tell your momma, don't tell your sister
Don't tell your boyfriend, little honey bee
She like to buzz 'round my tree
I call her honey bee
I'm a man in a trance
I'm a boy in short pants
When I see my honey bee
And I've got something to say
Peace in the valley with my honey bee
Don't say a word, 'bout what we're doin'
Don't say nothin' little honey bee
And a Rambler sedan
I'm the king of Milwaukee
Her juju beads are so nice
She kissed my third cousin twice
I'm the king of Pomona
And I've got something to say

Well, she is old enough to have a boyfreind and kiss his 3rd cousin twice, so I don't think it's about any sort of abuse. I love the quitar riffs and bassline in this song to death!!!

But the Rambler sedan is a car, and that makes me think she's older...

Anyone who think these lyrics have any resemblance to being a pedophile is veering way off the path. This song, to me at least, is about fooling around with a girl. Simple as that. Maybe she has a boyfriend which makes it extra “bad” as referenced with the lyrics “don’t tell your boyfriend”. or naughty or whatever, but thinking it has any relation to pedophile behavior is ridiculous. I don’t think Tom ever would have written a song about that. Sure it says don’t tell your Mom, don’t tell your sister, don’t tell your boyfriend little honey bee. Know why? Because you have to create a verse with an idea and you need words to fill it in. It’s phonetics really. It sounds good. The Song kind of suggests the girl is cheating on her boyfriend with the character singing the song but big friggin deal. It’s a fantasy. A fun song. What guy hasn’t sort of kind of fantasized about fooling around with a girl who has a boyfriend? Anyway I think it’s a barn burner of a song. As a guy, I can certainly relate to it’s theme and I think the riff, lyrics, everything are fucking bad ass.

Ya this song makes me think less about a pedophile and more like of a woman who is cheeting on her husband (or boyfriend) with the person singing the song.

I agree with you all, and I would think she is younger, but not, like, a kid. Maybe just early 20s or so, and they're just having this fling. This just made it kinda kinky and not creeped out or anything. BUT... I was listening to this song just now, and in the background during the instrumental parts, he's naming dollar amounts. Maybe he's playing her? Or maybe he's buying her things...? It struck me as the former, which freaked me out a little.
@HibbingismyHolyLand I think she's jail bait (juju bees are candies for kids), a Rambler is an older car that a kid would probably drive being we could never afford much (I drove a Chevy Belair-1950's when I was 17 in 1973). Short pants I think refers to how she makes him feel, very young. Don't tell your Ma? Where's Pa? Not much parental guidance, maybe she and her sister raised by a single Mom? She has a boyfriend? Kids have boy friends. I'm convinced he was with a much young woman, probably met after a concert. That's...
@HibbingismyHolyLand I think she's jail bait (juju bees are candies for kids), a Rambler is an older car that a kid would probably drive being we could never afford much (I drove a Chevy Belair-1950's when I was 17 in 1973). Short pants I think refers to how she makes him feel, very young. Don't tell your Ma? Where's Pa? Not much parental guidance, maybe she and her sister raised by a single Mom? She has a boyfriend? Kids have boy friends. I'm convinced he was with a much young woman, probably met after a concert. That's my story and I'm stickin to it. Definitely creepy.

wth are juju beads?? lol i think the way he sings "hurt" and "word" like tweety bird are what make it sound like he's talking about a kid. and what's the meaning of "'m the king of milwaukee... i'm the king of pomona?"

I have heard that this song is about a stripper. Which would explain the prices in the background. BUT, i do agree with some of you, i think she is younger than him at the time, and she seems like she could be down for this 'oo its tom petty, of course i'm going to 'do' stuff with him!" you know? I put myself in the shoes of the girl, and thats exactly what i would think.

Jujubes is a bonafide candy. Perhaps it's about juju bees. juju beads doesn't make sense as a word. If I were guessing about the thought of 'beads' per se, I'd say the candies are made into a necklace which is totally understandable.

Juju beads are used in juju. Juju is supposed to be the opposite of voodoo - juju is white magic, and voodoo is black magic.
Juju beads, juju shells, and other similar items are used to count prayers, the same way Catholics and Muslims use them, and as talismans or good luck charms.
A monkey hand or monkey paw is also used as a talisman in some juju rituals - witch doctors are supposed to be able to use it to help improve physical abilities or cure disabilities of the limbs.
I'm still thinking on some of the other lines, like king of Milwaukee and king of Pomona...

I believe this song is about a man getting a b**. He is a man in a trance indicates he is totally focused on the ACT being performed on him. He's a boy in short pants does not indicate he's wearing shorts, but that is pants are at ankles , thus they are short. She like to buzz around my tree indicates she is buzzing around his penis. She kissed his third cousin twice, she's using her tongue on his balls. And finally he has Peace in the Valley, he has reached orgasm. The line about don't tell your mama , don't tell your sister ,don't tell your boyfriend is because she is cheating on her boyfriend and he doesn't really feel she needs to let her sister or her mama know that she is performing oral sex upon him. Just one man's thoughts.